After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1191: Song Boyan will understand my choice tonight

   Chapter 1191 Song Boyan will understand my choice tonight

  Tang Li slept soundly.

   She woke up when she heard the voice.

When    found Li Ruan in the ward, Tang Li didn't bother to say hello, and went to the window to take a look.

   Even if it is late at night, there are still groups of militiamen playing and smoking on the street, all with 81-8 automatic rifles on their shoulders.

  Bangkang, as the capital of Nanwa, is a place where all the people are soldiers.

  Nangwa is not a Danbang, it is not easy to get in, and it is even more difficult to leave.

Li Ruan took out a green military uniform from the medical cart and handed it to Tang Li: "The chief of the 415th Brigade of the Allied Forces in charge of purchasing has accepted my favor. I told him that Kun was arrested, and I was going to wash my hands in a golden basin. This time it was Come and take the only sister out of Nanwa."

  Although the 415th Brigade was not stationed in Khambang, the chief of the department had a pass for all places.

   "Leaving Bangkang, we will take the 415th Brigade's munitions car."

   They were pretending to be logisticians.

   As a precaution, Tang Li's hair had to be cut short.

  Tang Li looked at the scissors handed by Li Ruan, but before he could reach out to pick it up, someone hugged his right leg, it was Song Jingtian.

   The little guy was clinging to her, and it was rare to say a word.

  Li Ruan's plan did not take Song Jingtian into consideration.

There are no children in the    army.

  If they take Song Jingtian on the road, they will be stopped at the checkpoint.

   The little guy is precocious, and obviously he is aware of this.

"After a while, I'll let my people lead the Nanwa soldiers outside." Li Ruan tied one end of the power rope to the crossbar of the hospital bed, and then taught Tang Li how to tie the rope: "This is the third floor, I'll first Try to go down the rope, and then pick you up at the bottom."

  Tang Li put the green uniform back on the cart: "I can't go with you tonight."

  Li Ruan raised her head and looked at her.

Yu Guang glanced at the pendant on Tang Li's leg, and Li Ruan guessed the reason: "Qin Wenwa will not hurt this child, we will go back to the Qing residence and pass on the news about him in Nanwa, and the S country will naturally think about it. way to rescue him."

   This is the best arrangement.

  Song Jingtian is the grandson of Jin Lihua.

   Even if Tang Li escaped, Jin Lihua would not take his anger on him.

  Tang Li knew what she should do. However, Temin's skirt was held by the little guy, and she didn't tear off the child's hands after all: "I have the opportunity to access the ledger that the Li family wants."

   "The ledger is not the purpose of my visit to Nanwa this time." Li Ruan looked solemn.

   The implication is that Tang Li is not required to stay and take risks.

   "What if I told you that Isa's drug [0] business over the past few years has always been in charge of Qin Wenwa?"

   This discovery is undoubtedly surprising.

  Li Ruan has been by Kun's side for ten years and has seen Issa many times.

   A few years ago, Issa suddenly moved to Nanwa, and since then has rarely been seen in public.

When    encountered business problems, Kun rushed to Nanwa to explain to Issa.

   Every time we meet, Kun is called into the house alone.

  Li Ruan still remembers that there were a few times when Kun didn't look very good when he came out.

   With Tang Li's reminder in front of him, Li Ruan couldn't help but wonder—

   The person who was talking to Kun in the house at that time was probably Chin Winwa.

  Kun has always been fierce and fierce, so naturally he would not accept a mistress, so he brought his emotions to the face.

   "Qin Wenwa is Song Jinyang's mother." Tang Li said to Li Ruan, "I want you to tell Song Boyan this news."

   Song Jinyang.

  Li Ruan did not know who this was.

   Since the surname is Song, it must be from the Song family.

   News he can convey, just—

   He turned his attention to Song Jingtian who was next to Tang Li.

  Tang Li saw Li Ruan's worry and explained: "Qin Wenwa arrested me here because he wanted me to be a companion for the child. At present, there will be no worries about his life."

   Li Ruan said: "Country S has lodged representations with the Myanmar government, but the outcome is unpredictable."

  This is telling her—

  I missed tonight, I don't know where the next opportunity will be.

   Once the South Van coalition forces do not cooperate, her return to China will be a long way off.

   "Six years ago, Issa's shipment to Country M was seized. Country M requested Issa's extradition. Issa went around to deal with it, and finally let a drug dealer surnamed Wu deal with it."

   This time, Issa is likely to repeat the same trick.

  S country no matter how strong the national strength is, it cannot control the territory of Myanmar.

   Getting them to hand over the hostages honestly is not an easy task.

Tang Li once again looked at the cousin who had only been with him for a few days: "If I really can't go back, it's not impossible for me to survive in Nanwa. My grandfather has been undercover for more than 20 years, and you're staying by Kun's side. In the past ten years, when it was my turn, I couldn't bear this pain."

  Li Ruan's Adam's apple moved slightly, Tang Li added: "As for Song Boyan—"

   She paused, then said, "I believe he can understand the choice I made tonight."

  Since Tang Li refused to leave, Li Ruan went into the bathroom again.

   Come out again, still the glamorous nurse.

  Tang Li remembered another incident: "Qin Wenwa knew that I was from the Li family, and also knew that my grandfather was an undercover agent sent by the Li family."

   She didn't think Li Hao told Jin Lihua.

  Li Hao is unlikely to reveal his cards before he gets the ledger.

  Li Ruan understood her voice, and told the truth: "On that day, Qin Wenwa talked to the old man and said that he would invite you to be a guest in Nanwa, and the old man guessed that someone at home leaked your itinerary."

  Because of this, he never returned to Nanwa as Kun's subordinate.

   As soon as Li Ruan left, the little guy also let go of Tang Li.

  Tang Li saw that he was in a low mood: "I can't go with you, very disappointed?"

   "The little old man doesn't want to take me away." Song Jingtian sat back on the stool and said, "He's here to pick you up."

  It was because of him that Tang Li didn't make it.

   He had already thought about it.

  If Tang Li leaves him and leaves, he will not return to S country.

   Then he made Chinwinwa his grandson.

   Also changed his name to Lucifer.

   When he kills Qinwenwa and dominates the Golden Triangle in the future, Tang Li will know how powerful he is.

   When Tang Li came to him again, he told her indifferently, sneering, sneering, and casually telling her that he had no mother, and he was Lucifer, the notorious number one drug lord in the Golden Triangle, not Song Jingtian.

  Tang Li didn't know the little guy's rich psychological history, so he climbed into bed again, "Starting from tomorrow, you have to pretend to be sick for half a month, remember?"

  The words fell, and the thin quilt that was just covered was gone.

  Tang Li sat up, Song Jingtian was holding the thin quilt: "This is mine."

After   , he went to the **** chair next to him.

  Tang Li: "..."

   The little guy spread the thin quilt and performed a twisting exercise in front of the **** chair. Just as he was about to go to bed, a faint female voice came from the hospital bed: "There used to be a pair of uncles and sister-in-law, but later, my sister-in-law froze to death."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   Actually, the **** chair has a quilt.

   However, Tang Li refused to cover it because it was not clean.

   was thinking about whether to get the dirty quilt, when the thin white quilt was thrown up.

   The next morning, Jin Lihua almost got gas when he arrived at the hospital.

   Her good grandson Gaizi was sleeping in an **** chair.

   As for those who stay with the night, they are occupying the magpie's nest and sleeping on the hospital bed!


Good night.

   Mr. Song is ready to save his wife.

   (end of this chapter)

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