Chapter 1198 Sleeping with Mr. Song

   These sweet words made Song Boyan smile.

   He pulled Tang Li's little hand against his cheek and clenched it gently: "I am the most important. When I left, I didn't even look back. I was just heartless."

  Tang Li did not refute.

  I don’t look back because I’m afraid that I’ll change my mind.

   Looking at Song Boyan again, her closeness was even stronger: "Will it delay official business if you come to pick us up at night?"

   "There is no end to official business." Song Boyan stroked her head with his left hand: "The person who should be picked up should still pick up, so as not to disappear in a blink of an eye."

  Tang Li listened to this witty joke, shook the right hand that Song Boyan held, "Then I won't work overtime tonight."

   Going back to Tan Palace to work overtime, it's time to get up.

   She didn't want him to work so hard: "Sleep with me first."

  Song Boyan said, "Just sleeping?"

  "..." is too ambiguous.

   Tang Li's face was slightly red, and his mouth was unwilling to be inferior: "Otherwise? If you don't sleep, what else can you do in the middle of the night."

The voice of    fell, and the five fingers of the right hand were also stretched.

   Passed between her fingers were the powerful knuckles of men.

   The action of clasping his fingers together showed a bit of sway.

  The temperature on Tang Li's face was getting higher and higher, and he heard Song Boyan's 'parrot': "Yes, in the middle of the night, what can I do if I don't sleep."

   Is she unhealthy?

--Do not.

  ——The enemy was too cunning and deliberately misinterpreted her meaning.

   Of course, it is not impossible.

   It’s just inevitable to worry about the other person’s body.

   Men can't be too tired.

  Tang Li decided to buy a few bottles of sea dog pills online tomorrow.

  Before that, take it easy.

  So, she answered Song Boyan: "It will be long in Japan."

   Seeing that Tang Li was speaking seriously, Song Boyan smiled slightly, his voice as low and gentle as always: "It takes a long time to come to Japan to sleep, and this is not a small rule."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Tang Li knew that he was being teased again.

   In Song Boyan's eyes, she is like a little child.

  I took this tease seriously.

   To put it bluntly, she still lacks charm.

Now it seems--

   She had to buy not only sea dog pills, but also several boxes of papaya and pueraria powder tablets.

The    car drove into the Tan Palace, and Tang Li also left Song Boyan's thigh.

   When she got out of the car, she didn't rush into the main building, but hung beside Song Boyan and followed suit with obvious intentions.

  Song Jingtian fell asleep on the way.

   At this moment, Ji Ming held the child in one hand and the spittoon in the other, and went upstairs first.

With Tang Li's posture, Song Boyan is not allowed to return to the office area again.

  Song Boyan was not willing to let go of this little tail and let He Wei go down to rest.

   Back to the master bedroom, Song Boyan turned on the air conditioner.

  Tang Li saw the belt and cufflinks beside the bed, guessing that Song Boyan had changed it before, she took them to the cloakroom, put them back in the drawers, and then came out, and heard the sound of running water in the bathroom.

   Then, the sound of water stopped.

  Song Boyan had an extra towel in his hand.

  Tang Li took the towel and wiped his cheeks.

   After tossing for a night, it is strange that my face is clean.

   Recognizing that it was Song Boyan's towel, Tang Li wiped it more and more carefully.

  Song Boyan saw that she was moving slowly, and the dust that should have been wiped on her nose had not been wiped off at all. She couldn't help raising her hand and wiped Tang Li's 'pig nose': "Did you drill the stove at the station?"

  Tang Li understood in seconds.

   clutching the towel in both hands, turned around and went to the bathroom.

  Look in the mirror.

   Sure enough, the nose turned black!

   should be given to her by Song Jingtian.

  The more I think about my interaction with Song Boyan in the car, the more I think about it.

   But the pig is wearing flowers, and I don't know how to be ugly.

  An old face instantly turned two shades red.

  Song Boyan also went to the bathroom, holding a set of clean women's clothes, "After wiping your face, take a shower."

  The conditions of the Nanwa station are not very good.

  Although there are toilets, the configuration is still in the 1990s.

  To use hot water for bathing, you have to go to the boiling water room to call.

  Tang Li came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and Song Boyan had also changed his shirt and trousers.

   When she crawled onto the bed, the long-lost familiarity returned.

   pulled the thin quilt over her body, and when Song Boyan washed up, she consciously divided half of it.

   turned off the lights and rolled into Song Boyan's arms.

  What ledger, and life experience, in such a late night, suddenly it is no longer important.

  Tang Li grabbed the man's pajamas, rarely indulging his selfishness.

On this bed, Song Boyan is not the head of a country, but her husband. She has no ties to state affairs, so she doesn't have to deal with those intrigues, lie down when she falls asleep, and rest when she wants to rest; and she doesn't have to worry about her complicated life. Trouble, just be a sensible helper.

  Thinking like this, fatigue also struck.

  Tang Li opened his eyes again, it was already bright outside.

  On the big bed, she was the only one.

  Tang Li got up to wash and was about to change clothes when there was a knock on the door.

   opened the door and saw Aunt Min.

   Aunt Min came to call her for breakfast.

"Sir asked me to call you at nine o'clock." Aunt Min had a smile on her lips, "You said that you didn't eat supper when you came back yesterday, and you probably didn't have enough dinner in Nanwa. If you sleep like this until noon, right? If you have a bad stomach, I will let you go back to sleep after eating."

   Tang Li asked, "What about Song, then?"

   Afraid that Aunt Min didn't understand what she meant, Tang Li asked again, "Has he had breakfast?"

   "It should be eaten."

   Aunt Min said, "When I got up, my husband was already on the first floor. Later, I asked Secretary Guo to speak to me."

  Tang Li probably knew about Aunt Min's routine.

   It must be up at half past five.

   Then, Song Boyan will only get up earlier.

   It was almost two in the morning when they lay down last night.

   Song Boyan most likely woke up not long after she fell asleep.

   Back to the master bedroom, just to coax her to rest.

  From last night to now, Tang Li has not touched his mobile phone, so he simply asked Aunt Min: "Did anything happen to Tan Gong during the few days that Sedum and I were away?"

"It was the old lady who stayed in the hospital for two days." Aunt Min didn't hide it: "When the husband told the old lady that the second master was still alive, the old lady's mood improved. Later, the old man from the Zuo family came to Tan Palace, and his second master was still alive. My son was killed by a drug dealer, so let the husband do justice to him. On weekdays, the two families also give gifts to each other on New Year’s and festivals, so of course the husband can’t sit idly by.”

Tang Li knows what happened after   .

   Jin Lihua revealed to her.

  Tang Li changed his clothes and went to the restaurant, and saw that Song Jingtian was there.

  Song Jingtian was eating macaroni and playing with a tablet, because he didn't have to go to school, he was still wearing his nightgown.

  Tang Li took his eyes off his 'exploding head', and when he got closer, he realized that the little guy was reading comics on a tablet, or the "Almighty Goddess is a real boss" that once exploded her three views.

  The artist named 'The Fat Head Fish Who Doesn't Look Back' has been serialized and downloaded on the online platform.

  Tang Li pulled out his chair and poured cold water: "This kind of earthy comics are also cheating money online."

   "I'm a local dog and I love to watch." The little guy said righteously.

   After saying that, put your finger on the tablet.

   Successfully rewarded five hundred oceans.

  Tang Li: ...Heh!


Good night.

   (end of this chapter)

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