After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1200: No matter how much you love it 【Second Update】

   Chapter 1200 No matter how much you love it [two more]

  Tang Li came out of Xiao Minglan's room and was about to go back to the master bedroom, but he met He Wei at the entrance of the stairs, He Wei was carrying a trolley case up.

  Tang Li recognized the box at a glance, it was the one she brought to Siam.

   "It was sent back together with Yuan Qin." He Wei explained: "It has been in your office before, and now that you are back, your Excellency asked me to bring it to you."

   said, and handed the document bag on his left hand to Tang Li: "It's your mobile phone inside."

  Tang Li took the document bag and was also concerned about Yuan Qin.

   Last night, Song Boyan only told her that Yuan Qin had no worries about his life.

In Xiao Minglan's words just now, it was mentioned that Yuan Qin was still in hospital.

   "Yuan Qin is in the second hospital." He Wei said truthfully: "Because of the heart and lung injuries, I have to stay in the hospital for a while. This time Yuan Qin will not protect you. After that, your bodyguard, Your Excellency, has made other arrangements."

  Speaking by accident - Yuan Qin has been laid off.

   After getting along for a few months, Tang Li still has feelings for Yuan Qin.

   In the situation at the airport at that time, it was inevitable that she would be arrested.

   So, you can't really blame Yuan Qin.

   Yuan Qin did that just to expose her a few minutes earlier.

   What's more, Yuan Qin is not for himself.

   He Wei said, "From the moment your Excellency asked Yuan Qin to protect you, no one should be put before you, not even Your Excellency."

   Yuan Qin, violated the basic literacy of an agent.

   How could Your Excellency entrust the safety of your wife to a person who has two masters in his heart?

   "After Yuan Qin—" Tang Li wanted to ask Yuan Qin's whereabouts.

   "When he's out of the hospital, he'll be back at the Secret Service."

   After making sure that Yuan Qintie's rice bowl was not lost, Tang Li was relieved.

  After He Wei left, Tang Li also turned on his phone.

   After the last experience, facing a bunch of unread messages, she sent a group reply, and posted a comment in the circle of friends - she lost contact because she went to the mountains to play and broke her mobile phone, and she has returned safely.

   Not long after, Tang Li received a QQ friend request message.

  ID: I have a thousand pig farms.

The    avatar is a pig head.

   As for additional information-

  Tang Li looked at the words 'I am Ningning Dumei of my family' and chose 'Reject'. After a minute, he received the application again.

  【Additional message: ? ? ? 】

   Denied again.

  Tang Li gave the reason - [If you don't buy pigs, you have no money. 】

   I don't know how this black fan found her QQ number. Tang Li didn't add the other party, and he didn't bother to pursue it.

  At noon, Tang Li received a voice call from Feng Qi.

   Feng Qi called her to discuss changing life assistants with her.

   Tang Li's current assistant is Yu Sui.

This change of    was a bit sudden for Tang Li.

   "Your classmate's mother came to the company two days ago to make trouble."

   "What's going on?" Tang Li asked.

   "Said you delayed her daughter from studying."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "Because of being an assistant for you, her daughter failed a few classes last semester." Feng Qi added: "The most unbearable thing for her is that you let her daughter give people **** and urine."

  Tang Li didn't understand.

   She has never assigned someone like this before.

   After finishing the call, Tang Li directly sent a message to Yu Sui.

   Half an hour later, Yu Sui did not reply.

  Tang Li had to look for Wu Xuehan, who responded quickly: "Yu Sui? She should be in the hospital."

   Without waiting for Tang Li to ask again, Wu Xuehan sent another message——

   "Ali, don't hide it from us!"

  【Tang Li】"?"

[Wu Family Fa Cai]: "Yu Sui and I both know about your kidnapping at the Qingfu Airport. We saw the gossip on the Internet, and we couldn't get through to your phone. We secretly went to Qingfu, got off the plane, and we went straight to We ran to the police station, but they wouldn't say anything, so we had to go to the hospital to find the injured, and we saw your bodyguard."

   So, the object of Yu Sui's feces and urine is Yuan Qin?

  Tang Li also got a piece of news from Wu Xuehan: Not surprisingly, "Operation Mi Suo River" will be released on New Year's Eve.

   This set date was a whole year earlier than she had predicted.

  Tang Li immediately guessed the reason.

  In the past life, the filming of this movie was not smooth, which led to the delay of the release.

   Now we don’t change the heroine or the script, and the actors all have schedules, which naturally doesn’t affect post-production.

  【Wu Family Fa Cai】: "Director Qi said that a trailer will be released in two days."

   This is Tang Li's first film and television work to receive a leading role.

   has a different meaning to her.

   She wanted to share the news with Song Boyan for the first time.

   Considering that Song Boyan was busy with official business, Tang Li suppressed his excitement, clicked on the phone address book, and dialed Li Ruan's number.

   She called Li Ruan to ask for something.

   That was what Li Hao promised her.

   When she heard Li Ruan say that the kinship test certificate had been brought back to country S, she immediately got up and went to the cloakroom to look through the trolley case, however, she found nothing.

   "Things, I gave them to the guard Song Boyan sent to pick them up."

   Song Boyan's guard.

   Besides what, all Tang Li can think of is Ji Ming.

   Therefore, the kinship test certificate should be with Song Boyan.

   Before hanging up the phone, Li Ruan suddenly said again: "The accident at the airport is not the original intention of the old man."

   "It doesn't matter anymore."

  Tang Li didn't want to blame Li Hao.

  It's just, there is no way to blame.

   The blood relatives who suddenly appeared, how deep the feelings should be, but deceive themselves.

   To her, Li Hao is no different from a stranger.

   Presumably Li Hao is the same.

   As Tang Li in his previous life, he might be sad and disappointed.

   Now, she doesn't need to force a blood relationship for a long time.

   Song Boyan returned to the master bedroom, it was already night.

  Tang Li lay on his usual pillow, with a book in his hand, and fell asleep without knowing what day it was.

  This afternoon, Yun Sheng took over the prisoners handed over from Nanwa.

   A member of the Li clan.

   There is another one, Xue Ya.

  Xue Ya is from Linshi.

   After Xue Ya's incident came out, he asked the top leader of Linshi to come to Beijing to report his position.

   The Xue family's old case, the other party is not ignorant.

   When asked by him why he didn't handle it fairly, what was the other party's answer?

   "Ye Hongqi's brother-in-law Xu Canliang, he has a stepdaughter, who is the adopted daughter of Speaker Jiang."

   Therefore, Xue Ya's resentment against him is not aimless.

   Jiang Miansheng, with whom he was an alumnus.

   After he entered politics, he also had many contacts.

   That family was in a relationship with the Jiang family, so no one else dared to touch them.

   Song Boyan sat down by the bed, and Tang Li woke up.

   She woke up in a daze.

   turned his head, saw Song Boyan, rubbed his eyes and sat up: "Is it dawn?"

After saying   , he realized that something was wrong.

   was about to look at his phone when his right hand was pulled.

  Tang Li's drowsiness faded a lot, and she noticed that there was a document on the bedside table. It was the kinship certificate she was looking for, which should have been brought by Song Boyan just now.

   "Wakes you up?"

  Tang Li shook his head.

   As if afraid that Song Boyan would not believe it, she added, "I didn't sleep soundly, so I left the door for you."

   There is no lack of cleverness in words.

  Song Boyan raised his hand and touched the top of Tang Li's head.

   is such a little girl, making him feel that he can't overdo it.


See you tonight!

  Speaker Jiang, do you keep canaries?

   The kind that will poison you. ( ̄︶ ̄)

   (end of this chapter)

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