Chapter 1208 No one is truly innocent

   This is determined to fight them to the end.

It's not that Ouyang Qian is not annoyed, but she also knows that the current situation is not good for her and her daughter, so she can only continue to be soft: "Anyway, Yuan'er is your sister, she is willful, but she doesn't know about some things, so Will target you again and again."

Thinking of her eldest daughter who is now locked up in the Ninth Hospital, Ouyang Qian restrained her emotions and said, "Xia Xia has been punished for her wrongdoing, and she has no hope in her life; you blame me for taking away your mother's husband, But how am I better than your mother now?"

   "You posted that statement online and you only put each other at the center of public opinion."

   "Even if you don't care about yourself, shouldn't you consider it for Your Excellency?"

Without getting a response from Tang Li, Ouyang Qian continued: "Even if you prove that you are not an illegitimate daughter, you are Li Wenyan's daughter after all. The marriage between you and your Excellency may not be so easy anymore."

   A father who was disgraced and even imprisoned was a stain on Tang Li's political trial.

  Ouyang Qian's intention, Tang Li did not understand.

   As long as she is willing to take down that little essay, Ouyang Qian will come out for her as soon as possible.

   For example, saying that the paternity test paper can be faked by someone with a heart.

   For another example, it was said that she and Tang Yin were in love with each other, so that the Li family would adopt Tang Li.

Tang Li only needed to post another comment to show that she was deceived by others, and that she and Li Shengxia had similar facial features to believe the provocation of people with a heart. Now she knows that it is because of Ouyang Qian and Tang Yinchang. Like, they are passed on to the next generation.

  Tang Yin passed away for many years, and those netizens did not know her appearance.

   If netizens ask the question to the end, with the current P-picture technology, it is completely possible to make a fake group photo.

   In this way, no matter what happens to Li Wenyan, it will not affect her.

  Ouyang Qian dared to put forward this condition, which naturally captured her desire to marry Song Boyan.

   Moreover, the three of them, mother and daughter, are not doing well now. She really doesn't need to hold on to them all the time. Ouyang Qian almost didn't say the words 'stay a line'.

  Tang Li stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and listened to Ouyang Qian's words before asking a rhetorical question: "If the Li family hadn't endorsed me tonight, would you still give me this call?"

   Without waiting for Ouyang Qian to answer, she gave the answer herself: "Of course not."

"If my reputation as a descendant of drug lords and the title of illegitimate daughter are enough to make me a street rat that everyone shouts and beats overnight, at that time, when you and your little daughter are watching the news, they must be very special in their hearts. Happy, it can be considered to have avenged your eldest daughter in disguise."

   "Speaking of which, you have taught me a truth, not to overestimate the goodness of human nature, nor to underestimate the evil of human hearts."

  Ouyang Qian listened to Tang Libo's calm remarks, and the fingertips holding the phone gradually turned white.

   Suddenly looking back, even she didn't know when it started, this girl who was taciturn when she entered Beijing, grew sharp minions, and made the most vicious attacks on the Li family time and time again!

   Is Tang Li disguised too well, or has something changed subtly?

  Some thoughts flashed through her mind, unable to grasp or see clearly.

   But one thing she knew very well—

  Can't treat Tang Li like he used to.

As proud as Ouyang Qian, she had to make compromises: "I know that what Yuaner said and did in the past hurt you unintentionally. When this is over, I will personally bring her to the door to apologize to you. No matter what, I will not stop it; and Tianyi's shares, I will also give you 20% as a gift, just as repaying the value of the two antiques of the Tang family twenty years ago."

   When the words fell, a laugh was heard.

   comes from the phone receiver.

   "Whether it is unintentional or intentional, everyone's heart is like a mirror."

   The memory of the previous life, Tang Li has not recalled for a long time.

  I don’t want to, but that doesn’t mean it can be obliterated.

"From the moment I stepped into Li's house, you put on a shackle of life experience for me, and weaved a big net for me, the cold eyes of Mrs. Li, the neglect of Li Wenyan, the tit-for-tat of Li Yuan'er, Li Midsummer's caring care, as well as your various maintenance; your roles are clearly divided, and the white face and the red face take turns, you only sing and I appear again, it can be said that the cooperation is impeccable. "

  Staying in such Li's house, she became more and more silent.

   Later, even taking a bottle of water from the refrigerator, I started to see the maid's face.

"No matter how badly Yuan'er spoke to me, I never blamed her. I even felt that I deserved it. Who let my mother destroy her family. In those two years, I always wanted to be a competent sister, Maybe this is what the Internet says about being PUA."

  Some things, Tang Li only wanted to understand completely in this life.

   The beginning of her and Han Jifeng was also a play directed by Li Yuaner herself.

   During the summer vacation, Li Yuaner said that Han Jifeng left the textbook at Li's house and asked her to help send it back to Han's house. It was also that time that she saw Qin Yueru who was in bed.

   She looked around at the humble Han family, and it was inevitable that something would hurt her.

   Therefore, she would visit Qin Yueru from time to time.

   Do some housework as much as possible every time.

  When Li Wenyan sold her to the Xia family, she really had no way to ask for help, and subconsciously thought of the Han family, because she was grateful to Han Jifeng for taking her in, and later he proposed to her, even if she guessed that it was for Qin Yueru, she still did not refuse.

   At that time, she believed in love after a long time, and also believed that a man who was filial to his mother must have a strong sense of responsibility and would not disappoint herself.

   I'm afraid Li Yuan'er in her previous life laughed a lot at her hard work in the Han family.

   Even her death was just a joke.

   Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter's concession to her was just a self-preservation policy chosen as a last resort.

  Tang Li had no doubt that if he was the weaker party at the moment, Ouyang Qian would crush her to death without hesitation.

   Such a low-pitched, dangling tail to survive.

   "Aunt Qian, do you remember the protein powder you bought for me?"

   Tang Li's reminder tore off Ouyang Qian's hypocritical mask.

"In the second semester of high school, you bought me and Yuan'er protein powder, saying that protein powder is nutritious, and let the servants soak it every night and bring it to my room. Since then, my stomach has started to get bad, and I have diarrhea repeatedly. , occasionally vomiting, you took me to the hospital, the doctor said that I was suffering from acute gastroenteritis caused by excessive study pressure, so I believed this statement."

   Later, he was hospitalized twice for this.

  Because of the repeated illness, on the second day of the college entrance examination, she had diarrhea and dehydration and almost went into shock.

   If it wasn't for her diarrhea after consuming Qin Yueru's protein powder at the Han family in her previous life, I'm afraid she would never have known that she was lactose intolerant.

   "My mother had an upset stomach when she drank milk. This constitution was also passed on to me." Tang Li put it lightly: "Aunt Qian found that I was safe from drinking milk, so she switched to protein powder with higher lactose content."

  Ouyang Qian's complexion turned paler.

   "So, no one is truly innocent."

Tang Li didn't plan to talk to Ouyang Qianxu and Wei She again: "Tonight, I'm just making the truth public. As for my father, Aunt Qian, or Yuan'er, whether I can bear the pain caused by the truth is not something I should consider. range."

  Ouyang Qian was about to open her mouth when Tang Li's concluding remarks came——

   "A hundred causes must bear fruit, Yuan'er's retribution, Aunt Qian should take it well!"

  Ouyang Qian: "..."


   There may be two changes in the early morning, to be determined.

   (end of this chapter)

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