After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1210: It's all well taught by Mr. Song

   Chapter 1210 Teacher Song taught well

   Good words are not good words, but you have to experience them yourself.

  Tang Li lay down slowly, pulling the edge of the thin quilt with both hands: "It's because of a good teacher."

   In the words, there is a meaning to please.

  Song Boyan smiled and turned off the notebook on the bedside table: "A teacher with an average level of language can't teach a student with such a strong pen."

   "How can it be very powerful." Tang Li began to be humble: "It's just an expression of true feelings."

   said, and seemed to react: "Have you read my small composition?"

   Thinking of her secretly leading the battle in her small composition, she couldn't help but defend: "They messed with me first, and I was in self-defense. This is called treating others with their own way."

   Anyway, no matter what, you must first set up your victim's character.

   "Being passive means we will be beaten. When we go to school, our teachers will teach us that we can't just give in."

   "Let's talk about it." Someone Tang began to popularize the knowledge of gynecology: "Some experts have talked about taking a step back from ovarian cysts and enduring breast hyperplasia for a while."

  Although you are small, you are at risk of getting sick.

   Moreover, she seems to be developing a second time recently.

   If you get angry, it will definitely have an impact.

Song Boyan just said a word, I didn't expect it to be exchanged, he raised his big hand, covered Tang Li's head, and smoothed the slightly messy hair for her, "You really should learn to fight back, otherwise, it won't work. Airbag?"

  Tang Shouqibao Li justified his name: "Actually, it's not a counterattack, I just show them the facts and reason."

   The smile in Song Boyan's eyes deepened, and he continued to be kind: "A gentleman who speaks but does not do anything, comes to you and has a higher level of sublimation."

  Tang Li's cheeks were slightly red, a little embarrassed.

   "It's just so-so."

   "You're fat, but you're out of breath."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "When you say that, I feel a little uncomfortable in my chest."

   said, while grabbing the collar of the pajamas: "It must be the aftermath of reading online comments."

   As soon as he finished speaking, a big hand with well-defined bones reached out.

   The thin quilt on her body bulged a bag.

  's little face turned even redder.

   There was a vacuum in her nightgown.

   Song Boyan had already withdrawn his hand, and his tone was steady: "It didn't turn into a small walnut, it means that there are no nodules."

   "..." What is a small walnut.

   does not bring such humiliation.

   Almost didn't say she was Xiao Long Bao.

   She is a green pear.

   Now she completely believes what Guo Li said. Some people are under a lot of work pressure, and they like to talk nonsense, and even lose basic judgment.

  Song Boyan noticed Tang Li's small mouth and felt amused: "Just want to get sick?"

   "Is it a matter of being sick?"

  Tang Li muttered, then remembered the doctor Jian, raised his eyes and reminded: "Did you eat the nutritional supplements that Dr. Pei gave you?"

   Don't buy it and put it in the corner to collect dust.

   Eating nutritional supplements will not affect the problem of preparing for pregnancy.

   is just bad luck.

   Her ovulation period did not catch up with Song Boyan's free time.

  Thinking like this, she approached quietly.

   put his forehead on the man's arm, rubbed it lightly twice, and one leg also crossed.

   Her feet pressed onto Song Boyan's body, and Song Boyan said slowly, "Do you want to be as noisy as the night before?"

  Tang Li: "..."


certainly not.

  She didn't.

   "Sleep." He dropped two words, and withdrew his hands and feet.

   pulled the quilt and turned over, leaving only his back.

  Tang Li just closed his eyes, and warmth came from behind him, and he was immediately half hugged into an arms.

   Then, I heard Song Boyan say: "Now, without anyone's support, we can handle the Li family's problems."

   This evaluation is not a recognition of her.

  Tang Li turned around, grabbed Song Boyan's pajamas, and exchanged courtesy: "Mr. Song taught me well."

  Song Boyan smiled, and with a sigh, the girl leaned over.

  Tang Li's growth is so obvious.

   Maybe in the near future, he will be completely no longer needed.

   For Song Boyan, this is not unbearable.

   No one can accompany him through the whole life. While Tang Li is growing up, his years are passing away. He has learned to be on his own, so that people behind him can let go without any worries.

   In the morning, Tang Li was awakened by a knock on the door.

  Because of the hurried knock, she didn't bother to tidy up and went to open the door.

  Song Jingtian clutched the tablet in one hand, and was startled when he saw the unkempt Tang Li, "It's 7:50, why are you still sleeping?!"'s only 7:50.

  |_ ̄)&彡

Wearing the same hairstyle as the golden lion king, Tang Li covered half of his face with the door. The little guy didn't notice her death stare, and held up the tablet to show her: "I made a lottery for you, after a while, After the winners list is announced, remember to forward it."

  Tang Li glanced at the tablet: "..."

   A few hours later, the account originally called [Tang Li's Favorite Son Fan] has now been changed to [Tang Li's Son Fan Global Support Association], and the number of followers has increased by a full 200,000.

   This number of followers is more than 188,000 people than her official support club.

   As for how Song Jingtian did it.

   Two hours ago, the little guy posted a message.

[Tang Li's Son Fans Global Support Association: In order to thank everyone for their support to Tang Li, just follow me, and every month from now on, we will draw a lucky fan and send them a Chanel or LV or GUCCI bag. At the end of the year We will also select one of the most familiar fans and give her/him a complete set of Liberne Precious Platinum skin care products. 】

  Song Jingtian obviously has the password to increase fans on the Internet.

   At this moment, the number of fans is still increasing.

   "Also," the little guy said again, "I've already called the police for you."

  Tang Li: "...?"

   "It's that Yang Ning."

  Song Jingtian explained: "I reported her for spreading rumors and disturbing public order on the Internet."

   What makes him most proud is that the police accepted it.

   "I have been observing her for a long time. She has been sending out press releases to blackmail you. Take this opportunity to see if you can send her in."

  Tang Li: "…………"

   In terms of ruthlessness, he is still the second master of the Song family.

  In the early morning, Tang Li had already learned from Ouyang Qian that Yang Ning had put up the revelations on the Internet.

   Of course she wouldn't let Yang Ning go easily.

   But, she had no intention of wasting police power.

  Tang Li has been in the entertainment industry for almost a year, so there are a lot of things to hear.

   Among them is Yang Ning's.

   Over the years, Yang Ning has never had a scandal, not because of how clean she is, but because of the capital protection behind her, ordinary people can't touch her, even if there is negative news, it will be perfectly covered in the end.

  Since Yang Ning likes to use the Internet so much, Tang Li is also ready to help her.

   That afternoon, a lace news appeared on the entertainment channels of seven TV stations in Siam.

   Yang Ning and an old married actor were in love on the crew because of the drama, and the two went back to the woman's house to spend five days and five nights together. After six years, they can see the light of day!

   (end of this chapter)

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