Chapter 1213 Now, it's too late to say anything

   Two young criminal policemen are responsible for guarding Li Wenyan.

   Before opening the door, he did not forget to tell Tang Li: "The suspect is emotionally unstable in the past two days. After entering, pay attention to yourself."

  Tang Li nodded: "Okay."

  Because he was a suspect, Li Wenyan lived in a single ward.

   Tang Li almost kicked the enamel cup when he entered the door. It was the thing that Li Wenyan just threw on the ground.

   As for Li Wenyan——

  Tang Li turned his eyes to the hospital bed. Li Wenyan's buttocks were not fully injured. He was lying on the hospital bed with gauze wrapped around his head. Maybe it was because of a lot of unhappiness in recent days.

   Wearing a hospital gown with vertical stripes makes the embarrassment more vivid.

   turned his head to see Tang Li, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

   "I heard that Dad, you want to see me." Tang Li opened his mouth.

  Li Wenyan's hands on the pillow were slowly clenched, and his heart was full of fire!

  How could he not notice Tang Li's smooth sailing?

   It is precisely because of this comparison that his desperation at the moment is even more evident!

   Looking back at it again, it was like being in a dream.

   It seems that overnight, he has become nothing.

  _Drug hero, Senator, these titles are drifting away from him.

  I thought that marrying Tang Li to Song Boyan would be equivalent to having more backers, but now it seems that I haven't gotten any benefits, it's like a meat bun hitting a dog, and the crimes that should be suffered are the same!

  Because of this daughter, he was kidnapped by drug dealers and sent to northern Myanmar, where he was treated inhumanly!

  If the S country action team came fast enough, he doubted that he would be buried in that ghost place where birds don't lay eggs!

   The whip dipped in salt water was whipped on his body, the taste, now he can still dream!

   finally came back, but will face ten years of imprisonment...

   That 100 million, even if he threw it into the water, he could still hear the sound.

   Song Boyan asked people to take the money, not only did it not help him get rid of the investigation by the Inspectorate Bureau, but it became a strong evidence that he was greedy for Mo Tang's private property, what a **** piece of shit!

   At this point, if he still can't guess what Tang Li said, he has been in vain in politics for more than ten years!

   This daughter, who is incompatible with him, has never really let go of the quarrel with him.

   She resented that she had treated her harshly, and she also resented that he killed Tang Shen!

   So, I borrowed Song Boyan's sword to deal with him!

The issue is--

   He can't tell everyone yet that this daughter is Tang Shen's descendant!

   In this way, Tang Li could not marry Song Boyan, but he would be bitten by Tang Li at any time.

   At that time, it is no longer ten years to start.

   Maybe life imprisonment.

  Tang Li has already sat down on a chair not far away: "If Dad doesn't think about what to say, he can think slowly. I have nothing else to do in the morning, so I won't be in a hurry."

   After a while, Li Wenyan finally spoke up——

   "What's going on with Mrs. Lee?"

  Tang Li raised his eyebrows and didn't pay much attention to the answer: "No, that's all. Dad must have read the news. That's right, I'm the heir of the Li family."

  Li Wenyan: "..."

   Whether Tang Li is a human or a ghost, Li Wenyan knew it perfectly, and sneered on the spot: "Are you the heir of the Li family? If you are the heir of the Li family, then I am still the king of Siam!"

  Tang Li frowned, and his words meant criticism: "Dad went to northern Myanmar, and I think he brought back hysteria."

  Li Wenyan: "..."

   "I know Dad called me here to hear something."

   Li Wenyan's eyes twitched, not denying Tang Li's prediction.

Tang Li raised the corners of his lips: "But... I'm going to disappoint Dad, my mother is indeed Li Hao's niece, my mother passed away, and Li Hao's son died young again, leaving no heir, I don't Become the heir of the direct line?"

   "Your mother..."

   Guessing what Li Wenyan wanted to ask, Tang Li's voice cooled down: "Is my mother Tang Shen's daughter, does Dad think it's still important now?"

Looking at Li Wenyan's bulging blue veins on her forehead, she said again: "If my mother is still there, and Dad has not committed bigamy, and Mrs. Li comes to confess to relatives, will our family of three be able to emigrate to Siam? Even if Dad does not Being a senator can also help my mother manage the entire Lee Group."

   "My mother's character, Dad is very clear." Tang Li said slowly: "The most gentle and considerate, and no ambition, as long as Dad's decision does not make mistakes of principle, she will definitely not object."

   Even if he knew that Tang Li was deliberately provoking himself by saying this, Li Wenyan's emotions still fluctuated greatly, because what Tang Li said were the facts that would have happened!

   If he didn't remarry Ouyang Qian, but found Tang Yin, he wouldn't be in such a situation now!

  Tang Shen is a drug lord.

   Even if Tang Yin found out that he killed Tang Shen, she would not really hate him.

   With Tang Yin, he may not be able to make his way to the sky, but with his personal ability, it is not difficult to climb to the position of Ren Zhengxiong.

  Thinking like this, Li Wenyan's smoldering fire became more and more intense.

  If his wife was still Tang Yin, how could those antiques destroy his career?

   As the son-in-law of the Tang family, he has thousands of reasons to excuse himself.

   Now, it's too late to say anything.

  Tang Li didn't plan to let him go: "Don't hide it from Dad, Your Excellency and I are getting married."

   Li Wenyan heard the words and looked at her again.

"Your Excellency is very happy for me when you know that I am in the blood of the Li family." Tang Li said, smiling softly, "Your Excellency doesn't mind that I have a father who embezzled state-owned assets, although my father has stained my life experience, However, Lee's position in Siam is enough to offset this small defect."

   A cup lid hit her!

  Tang Li tilted his head and hid in a hurry.

She looked at Li Wenyan again, the curvature of her mouth did not change: "Dad should be happy for me, no matter what, I am your flesh and blood. I became the first lady and inherited the Li family's property. After you go in, You can even brag with the inmates in there—"

   "Get out of here!" Li Wenyan was furious and interrupted.

  Tang Li got up slowly.

   Bend over and pick up the lid of the cup on the ground.

   turned around and picked up the enamel cup.

   Then, put two things back on the bedside table: "Aunt Qian called me early yesterday morning, and I can tell that she is determined to divorce you from Dad."

   Hearing Ouyang Qian's name, Li Wenyan's old face turned the color of pig liver.

   He and this wife have long since lost their friendship!

  Especially when he was in northern Myanmar, Ouyang Qian splashed all kinds of dirty water on him in order to avoid being beaten!

   "Now divorce, Dad will definitely suffer."

Tang Li looked down at Li Wenyan who was on the bed, "Aunt Qian's house has no shortage of contacts. When Dad enters, the divorce lawsuit is not a matter of how Aunt Qian wants to be sentenced. In the future, Dad will be released after serving his sentence, and he will have 10,000 yuan in his account. ."

  Li Wenyan: "..."

   He knew that Tang Li was trying to stir up discord, but he couldn't help but get angry!

   "But don't worry, Dad." Tang Li smiled: "I will continue to pay your social security. When you come out, you will almost be receiving your pension."

  Li Wenyan: ………………

   This is because he is afraid that he will depend on her in the future.

Are you    relieved?

  Reassuring fart!

Li Wenyan gritted his teeth, and the gaze that fell on Tang Li's face seemed to be poisoned. Tang Li disapproved and pulled up the quilt for him, "Dad, you must have a righteous mentality and have the courage to accept reality. Normal endocrine metabolism leads to slow absorption of inflammatory substances, and your **** won't get better for a year and a half."

   "..." Li Wenyan.

   He squeezed three words between his teeth: "Get out!"

   (end of this chapter)

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