After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 134: What's your relationship with Bai Yan?

   Chapter 134 What is your relationship with Bo Yan?

   When Zhang Hansheng looked at Tang Li again, he asked, "I heard that you are studying in the art school opposite Shouying, and you are also a student of the performance department, but because you are still a sophomore, you haven't been exposed to professional courses yet?"

   "Yes." Tang Li nodded.

   Her answer was succinct, without boasting or wrapping herself up.

   Tang Li knew that such an answer was not smooth enough.

Gao Wenlan asked her to come to see the producer and director of the drama version of "Original Sin". It was actually an audition in disguise. If her answer satisfied the other party, the role of Ying Xuan'er would most likely become her bag. thing.

   Director Ruan Jiang's recommendation, and the original author's familiarity, these are her plus points.

   However, Tang Li didn't want to rely on "blow" to get this role.

   Now she is bragging about her acting skills, and when she is standing in front of the camera, that is, when it is time to break it down, instead of making a fool of herself in front of the entire crew of hundreds of people, it is better to tell her honestly now.

   She is indeed a newcomer and currently does not have any film and television works.

  Gao Wenlan couldn't help but hint: "Why don't you introduce yourself more?"

   "You shouldn't want to hear about my personal hobbies." Tang Li replied truthfully.

  "..." Gao Wenlan was choked, and she spoke to Zhang Hansheng again: "When she came back to my house, she spoke like this. I was almost suffocated to death by her, and I don't look like a little girl nowadays."

As the boss of a film and television company, Zhang Hansheng, how could he not have the ability to observe words and feelings, and immediately laughed: "Isn't Ying Xuan'er in the novel like this, not smooth and sophisticated, like a white swan who is out of the group, always doing better than To be honest, if Ying Xuan'er is like other girls, this character will lose her unique charm."

   Gao Wenlan raised her brows, obviously in a good mood.

  Fan Xin also said: "Newcomers have the benefits of newcomers, and their acting skills are not easily restricted by rules and regulations. As for some small problems in the filming process, every actor comes here like this, and it is too late to learn on the spot."

   Does this mean you are ready to settle her?

   Tang Li subconsciously turned to look at Gao Wenlan next to him.

   "Look at what I'm doing?" Gao Wenlan glared at her with some displeasure: "Since President Zhang and Director Fan value you and give you this opportunity, if you don't thank them properly, why are you staring at me, we are not familiar with each other."

  Tang Li: "…"

Until Zhang Hansheng asked her to go to the company tomorrow morning to discuss the signing of the contract, Tang Li still didn't take it easy. Since her rebirth, because of Li Yuaner, she had thought about becoming an actress, but more often, she only thought about finding a job Ordinary work, I didn't expect that I would enter the showbiz by accident.

   Leaving the cafe, Tang Li didn't go far when a car stopped beside her.

   Sitting in the car is Gao Wenlan.

  Gao Wenlan opened the rear door and motioned for Tang Li to get in the car.

   As soon as Tang Li closed the door, Gao Wenlan said leisurely beside him: "Are you happy now?"

   "You made a special trip to the capital for me?"

   Tang Li asked aloud.

Gao Wenlan glanced at her and immediately denied it: "Of course not, I came to the capital for a meeting, and Zhang Zong always called me, saying that the actress who played Ying Xuaner was injured accidentally, and Director Fan had a crush on a newcomer. , come and ask me if I'm suitable, I don't know it will be you."

   "Anyway, I want to say thank you."

   Seeing the small smile on Tang Li's lips, Gao Wenlan pursed her lips reservedly: "You should thank me, I won't help you, how could they decide on you so quickly."

   After thinking of something, she asked Tang Li, "What's your relationship with Bo Yan?"

   (end of this chapter)

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