After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 147: Song Boyan suddenly asked her for dinner

   Chapter 147 Song Boyan suddenly asked her for dinner

  Song Boyan just smiled slightly: "Sometimes, she is unintentionally inserted into the willows and willows, she can not only enter the eyes of the teacher, but also her own fate."

   After talking on the phone for a while, Song Boyan pressed the hang up button.

   Just then, Ji Ming came to the study.

  Jiming put a document on the desk and was about to go out, but Song Boyan instructed him: "Book a box at Fuyuan in the evening."

   received a call from Song Boyan, Tang Li was reading the script in the dormitory.

   At half past five in the evening, a car stopped downstairs.

   Before going out, Tang Li couldn't help turning back, and went to the bathroom again to look in the mirror to make sure she was dignified, and then she left the dormitory with a paper bag with a suit in it.

  Ji Ming was waiting in front of the car.

   Hearing footsteps, he turned his head and looked into the dormitory building.

   Then, he saw Tang Li.

Tang Li's outfit is in line with the image of a college student nowadays, with a milky white V-neck loose sweater and light gray trousers rolled up into nines by her. She is wearing a pair of dark camel-colored single leather shoes with laces, and her fair ankles look at her. Playful and cute, she wears a leather shoulder bag on her left shoulder, with a loose low ponytail. Her facial features are delicate and bright, making her more attractive on the road.

   Walking to the car, Tang Li handed the paper bag to Ji Ming: "These are Mr. Song's two suits. I couldn't find a good laundry, so I didn't dry clean them."

   When she got into the car, she asked, "Why did Mr. Song invite me to dinner suddenly?"

   "Sir didn't tell me." Ji Ming told the truth: "Sir only asked me to book a box at Fuyuan at night, and then pick up Miss Tang."

   Halfway through the road, Tang Li looked away from the car window. Because of the speculation in his heart, he couldn't help but ask again, "Did Mr. Song's friend go to him this afternoon?"

   Hearing this, Ji Ming glanced at the rearview mirror, and then nodded: "The White Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation came to the villa to find Mr.

  … Sure enough.

  Tang Li didn't know who the man he met in Song Boyan's office yesterday, but after hearing what Ji Ming said, Song Boyan was looking for her for dinner again tonight, she felt that this white bureau was the one she met at the clubhouse at noon.

   And determined, the other party sued Song Boyan.

   No matter what the other party said, judging from the current situation, it is definitely not a good thing for her.

   Then, she gradually remembered something.

   In the previous life, Song Boyan succeeded as the head of state, and the next Minister of Finance was named Bai.

  The car was parked outside Fuyuan, and it was already dark.

  The private room is on the third floor.

  The waiter pushed open the wooden door of the private room. The moment Tang Li saw Song Boyan, his mood was slightly complicated. In addition to the vague apprehension, there was also a trace of joy that she could not ignore.

   Even though she tried to suppress it, this joyful emotion still jumped on the tip of her heart.

   There are already several dishes on the round table.

   When Tang Li went in, Song Boyan put the chopsticks on the chopsticks.

   "Am I late?"

   "It's not too late." Song Boyan motioned her to sit down.

  Tang Li sat directly opposite him.

   Putting the backpack aside, she raised her head, her eyes relatively calm.

  Song Boyan picked up the towel and wiped the corner of his mouth lightly. After putting the towel back, he cast a deep gaze: "How are you feeling today?"

   Knowing that he was asking about his period, Tang Li was somewhat embarrassed, but he still nodded: "It's much better."

  Before the private room fell silent, she took the initiative to speak: "I signed a contract with the film and television company that filmed the drama version of "Original Sin", and they asked me to play Ying Xuaner, a criminal suspect, who will join the group at the beginning of the month."

   The dog raised by the heroine in southern Yunnan is called Axi, and the dog raised by Mr. Song is also called Axi o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o



   (end of this chapter)

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