After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 155: Take the initiative to show sympathy

  Chapter 155

   Crouching on the muddy floor of the flower bed, Tang Li was holding the cigarette butt. The originally impetuous mood gradually calmed down the moment she saw the cigarette butt.

   Until the coolness hit, she got up and went back to the dormitory building.

   Wu Xuehan came out of the bath, Tang Li had already hidden the cigarette butts back in the peninsula iron box.

   Early the next morning, Tang Li was awakened by the noise in the aisle.

   She got up to see what was going on.

   opened the door and found someone moved in next door.

  The mover was bringing in a hello/kitty storage box. There were two pink trolley boxes, one large and one small, on the corridor.

   "Is it the new teacher who moved in?" Wu Xuehan followed with a mess of hair just woken up.


   Tang Li just finished speaking when a man came out next door.

   Seeing the other party's appearance, Tang Li: "..."

   Yu Sui glared at her, and pushed her trolley into the dormitory.

  "..." Wu Xuehan was a little shocked. Listening to the movement from the dormitory next door, she asked Tang Li in a low voice, "Why is Yu Sui, why did she move to our next door, doesn't she live with Yining?"

   "If you're curious, you can ask her herself."

  Tang Li raised his chin towards the next door.

   Wu Xuehan hurriedly shook his head: "She will definitely drive me out."

  Since they were woken up, the two of them stopped sleeping and went out to the library after washing up.

   In the evening, as soon as they came back, there was a knock on the dormitory door.

   Wu Xuehan ran to open the door.

   Seeing Yu Sui, she was a little overwhelmed.

Yu Sui had a small face with a stinky face, and carried a delicately packaged gift box in her arms. She walked straight in and saw Tang Li coming out of the bathroom. Her back was straight, but her expression was a little stiff. On Tang Li's desk: "For you."

   "What?" Tang Li glanced at the gift box and then at Yu Sui.

   Yu Sui was a little impatient: "Why are you asking so much, it's for you anyway."

   After saying that, he did not leave, but stood aside.

   At this time, even out of courtesy, Tang Li had to open the gift box.

Yu Sui's heart was not as calm as her face, and she watched Tang Li pick up the gift box with the bow tied. According to Tang Li's recent attitude towards her, she thought Tang Li would return the gift box to herself, but in fact, Tang Li tore the bow and opened it. gift box.

  In an instant, Yu Sui only felt that a heart had fallen to the ground.

  The gift box contains custom chocolates.

   Wu Xuehan saw chocolates of different shapes, and his eyes were surprised: "This must be delicious!"

   Hearing this, Yu Sui pursed her lips.

   Seeing that Tang Li didn't say anything, she explained "kindly": "It's a handmade chocolate brought back from Belgium, and it's also made the day before it was bought."

   Wu Xuehan said: "It must be expensive."

  Tang Li closed the gift box, raised his head and said to Yu Sui: "I've accepted the chocolate, we're going to take a shower, so we won't leave you."

   "Who cares about staying with you, I'm busy too."

   Watching Yu Sui leave, Wu Xuehan turned his head: "I want to eat a piece of chocolate."

  Tang Li gave her the entire gift box.

   "You don't eat?"

   Wu Xuehan asked while biting the chocolate.

  Tang Li took out the script: "I haven't had my period yet, so you can eat it first. If you can't finish it, leave me a few pieces."

   "Actually, Yu Sui is easier to get along with than I thought." Wu Xuehan sat on the chair, holding the gift box: "Now that she has moved here, I think we can be good neighbors."

   "This needs to be investigated." Tang Li said while flipping through the script: "It is too early to draw conclusions."

   "I found that Ali, you are calmer than me."

   (end of this chapter)

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