Chapter 162 The First Step

  When the door of the villa opened with a bang, and the sunlight dispelled the darkness in the living room, Tang Li couldn't help squinting. Behind her, Ying's father had already shouted, "Save me! Help me!"

As the hero Luo Fan, Guan Xiao holds a 64-style pistol, a white shirt with a black body armor, and transparent throat-shock-type air duct earphones. His sharp and calm eyes add to his handsome features. tough.

  The camera is slowly approaching on the track.

The    girl's delicate face showed no trace of panic. She stood up on her knees, and without looking at the approaching detective, she threw the fruit knife on the floor.

  The knife fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

   The criminal police couldn't help but slow down, even if the other party was a young girl, they didn't dare to take it lightly.

However, the girl showed a shallow smile, showing a bit of splendid simplicity, as if those who aimed at her were just toy guns, she turned and sat down on the sofa, took a few tissues, and wiped the blood stains between her fingers. Panicked, her expression was almost strangely calm.

   "Quickly arrest her!" Father Ying covered his injured leg and pointed at his daughter with the other hand: "She is a murderer, don't let her go!"

   Hearing this, Luo Fan's eyes returned to the girl.

Throwing the tissue ball into the trash can, Ying Xuan'er propped up the sofa under her with both hands, looked at Father Ying with her beautiful eyes, and raised the corners of her lips mockingly: "Dad hurt his leg, I finally took your hand away. Now that the police are here, but my father wants to frame me for murder, you are really a good father.”

"She's lying!" Yingfu's face was pale, and he hurriedly explained to the criminal police present: "Don't believe her words! She killed my wife and daughter, and now she wants to kill me. She is a devil, and she kills without blinking an eye. the devil!"

   Luo Fanchong winked at the detective next to him.

   The detective understood, immediately put the pistol behind him, strode forward, dragged Yingfu to a safe area.

   For a while, Ying Xuaner was surrounded by criminal police.

   Her expression was calm, and she even looked up at Luo Fan and asked, "Captain Luo came to the house last time to ask me to make a record. This all have guns, are you planning to kill me directly?"

   "Ying Xuan'er." Luo Fan called out her name.

  The corners of Tang Li's lips were slightly raised, and his eyes were still on Luo Fan: "Captain Luo, I'm here."

  If it wasn't for the solid evidence, it would be hard to imagine that it was such a girl with clean eyes who had two lives on her hands.

   If they hadn't arrived in time, she would have killed her own father just now.

  Director Fan took the walkie-talkie in his hand and sat behind the monitor, staring at the screen for a moment until his shoulder was gently pressed.

   turned around and found that the person who came was actually Ruan Jiang.

   Ruan Jiang also looked at the monitor screen.

   Over there, Tang Li had stopped in front of Guan Xiao, she took the initiative to stretch out her fisted hands and looked at Guan Xiao with interest: "Captain Luo, do you want to put handcuffs on me?"

   Looking at Tang Li like this, Guan Xiao was lost for a moment.

   Even if he was not a rookie actor for a long time, he was still bewitched at that moment.

   He lost his mother when he was a child, was treated harshly by his father and stepmother all the year round, and his half-sister wanted to kill him again.

   At this moment, Director Fan shouted "Ka".

   "What's the matter with you, Guan Xiao! Why didn't you take the line? You're not acting as a stake, don't stand there motionless!"

   Self-improvement girls deserve respect and the best man - Mr. Song~



   (end of this chapter)

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