Chapter 164 Was it intentional? !

   Having said this, Ruan Jiang let out a long sigh.

   Originally, this Ying Xuaner should be in his crew, but now, he has a living ancestor there, delaying the filming schedule all day long. The Ying Xuaner he really liked was on the cast of the drama version of "Original Sin".

  Tang Li said: "Director Fan mentioned to me that you introduced me to him."

   said, she stopped and looked at Ruan Jiang solemnly: "So no matter what, I have to say thank you to you."

   Ruan Jiang smiled: "I did recommend you to Lao Fan, but in the end it was settled. I heard Lao Fan say that the main reason is that the original author thinks you are suitable."

   "..." Tang Li was a little stunned.

   She always thought it was the film and television company that fell in love with her, and then asked Gao Wenlan for advice.

   Because that day, Gao Wenlan told her so.

   "I watched your play, and it's not bad among the newcomers." Ruan Jiang said: "If there is a chance in the future, we can cooperate to see it."

  Tang Li smiled: "Then I'll wait for Director Ruan."

   saw off Ruan Jiang, Tang Li did not return to the villa immediately, standing by the fence, she opened the QQ on her mobile phone, found Gao Wenlan online, and sent a message: "Have you had lunch?"

  Gao Wenlan returned almost in seconds.

  【Shengge Yulan】: "[Squint] [hum]"

  Tang Li: "…"

   When I was ready to say thank you, I was completely disturbed by the two expressions.

  【Tang Xiaoli】: "How is your flower arrangement?"

  【Shengge Yulan】: "What are you doing? You don't want to teach me what to ask. Anyone can say anything in a high-sounding manner. It depends on who says it nicely."

  Tang Li edited the message and sent it: "I officially joined the group to film today, I will let you know and thank you by the way."

  【Shengge Yulan】: "What about the stills, send two to see."

   Before joining the group, Tang Li carefully read the contents of the contract, one of which was that before the official release of the stills, the actors were not allowed to reveal too many stills in private.

  Gao Wenlan replied with a resentful expression: "[Disdain] Okay, it's going to be popular now, and the original author is no longer in the eye."

  Tang Li had to post a selfie.

   There is no filming in the photo, which is also the effect she wants.

  Gao Wenlan quickly sent a roaring voice: "Damn girl! Was it intentional?! I was shocked, my head was full of blood, you are playing a ghost movie!"

  “…” Tang Li.

   At the same time, a white nanny car stopped by the road.

   The door was pulled open with a bang.

  Tang Li couldn't help but cast his eyes.

The first one who came down was an assistant-like girl. Her feet had just landed, and the sunshade in her hand had been stretched. Then she stepped aside, raised the umbrella to the same height as the roof of the car, and said to the car: "Yuan'er, be careful when you come down, don't hurt your feet."

  Li Yuaner was wearing a long pink dress, a coat, and a high ponytail, giving people the first impression of youthful vigor.

   In the villa next door, a staff member ran out.

   may have urged Li Yuaner, Li Yuaner immediately raised her face, but fortunately there was an agent to smooth things out.

   After the staff left, Li Yuaner couldn't help but have a seizure: "I was asked to put on dead makeup again, and the blood was stuck on my face. I don't think it's sloppy, and the audience feels disgusting when they see it!"

"Remove!" Sister Wen reassured her: "We can discuss it with Director Ruan, Ying Xuan'er has blood on her face in the script because she was smashed by her father, you didn't ask the screenwriter to change it here, after a while Let's go in and let Director Ruan change the head smashing into the arm smashing, and the problem will be solved."

   (end of this chapter)

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