Chapter 166 Tang Li is nothing!

   "Isn't it? How did Xu Yuan say Xuan'er?"

   This rhetorical question with confusion attracted curious people around him.

"Looking at it this way, it really doesn't look like Yuan'er." After some comparison, everyone discussed at length: "The bridge of Shangen's nose is higher than that of Yuan'er, and the chin of Yuan'er is sharper, and the two have different temperaments. ."

   "To be honest, I like her looks better, she's very attractive, Li Yuan'er is too much like the sister next door, she doesn't have the feeling of her own ten-meter aura."

  Other staff agreed: "I feel the same way, this should be a high-end face that has been very popular in the past two years, or the one that doesn't eat human fireworks."

  Li Yuan'er turned and walked over: "What Xuan'er?"

   Seeing her, the living room was silent.

   Especially Li Yuan'er's unkind look on the visitor's face made the people who had just participated in the gossip back away, bowed their heads in unison, left like a bird, and returned to their posts.

  Li Yuan'er's face was not good, she looked at the staff member with the mobile phone: "Who did you guys say to play Ying Xuan'er?"

   "...not what we said." The staff was a little cramped.

For a big-name artist like Li Yuaner in the crew, many times, a staff member like her can lose her job with a single sentence, so she did not dare to deceive and truthfully said: "It was the author of "Original Sin" who just posted a photo ."

  Li Yuaner grabbed the phone directly.

   She saw Xu Yuan, a certified novel writer, posted a photo on the Internet 8 minutes ago.

   In the photo, it is the left half of the girl's face under the sun.

  Slightly messy medium-length hair, white and delicate skin, dried blood on her cheeks, and the girl closed her eyes, which is a kind of quiet and fierce beauty.

   Such beauty is reflected in her face, with contradictions but not conflicts.

  [Xu Yuan V] added a monologue to the photo: "A beautiful and high-level Xuan Xuan, looking forward to your performance. [Star Eyes] [Slobber]"

   Sister Wen and Shen Na entered the villa.

   "Why don't you go to the dressing room?" Sister Wen asked.

  Li Yuaner turned a deaf ear, just staring at the photo on the phone.

   She has recognized Tang Li in the photo.

   The phrase "beautiful and advanced" by the author of "Original Sin" was like a sharp needle, piercing her heart brightly.

   The word "Xuan" made her want to smash her phone.

   Obviously she is the real Ying Xuaner.

   Tang Li is nothing!

   This kind of illegitimate girl who everyone shouts and beats, what qualifications does she have to grab her role!

   At this moment, the staff of the two props groups passed behind them carrying a box. They didn't notice Li Yuan'er, and only focused on chatting with themselves.

"The next door was filming the scene where Ying Xuan'er was arrested. I called Director Ruan in the past. I followed them and watched the replay on the monitor for a while. The performance was really good. It is said that the girl playing Ying Xuan'er is a newcomer. I think Director Ruan I seem to know her too."

   "I guess there is a backstage." Another person answered.

   "I don't know if the backstage is tough or not, but I'm so pretty, even if I wear blood on my face, it doesn't affect my appearance."

   Hearing these words, Li Yuaner quickly realized something.

   Her hands trembled in anger.

How can it be……

  How could Tang Li, an illegitimate girl, get the resources of the drama version? !

  On the way back to school, Tang Li learned that her photo was posted online by Gao Wenlan.

Wu Xuehan was holding his mobile phone to swipe the comments, and said excitedly: "There are already more than 3,000 comments, and there are more than 1,000 retweets. Li and Xu Yuan greatly returned to the netizens, saying that looking at you is like seeing 18-year-old Ying Xuan'er. !"

   Seeing everyone's tips and recommendation tickets, thank you, thank you!

   The computer is broken today, and it was fixed at around 7 pm. The update has made everyone wait for a long time~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



   (end of this chapter)

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