Chapter 168 High hopes

   Apart from Li Yuan'er, Tang Li couldn't think of anyone else who would suppress her so impatiently.

  I saw Li Yuaner outside the villa at noon. By this time, Li Yuaner should have learned that she was going to star in the drama version of "Original Sin".

  The official account of the movie version of "Original Sin", the ID of [Na Moai Yuan'er] is a veteran of the Li Yuan'er fan support club.

   includes [Wing Chunzi], which is also in the list of Shen Na's ins account management.

   This is the secret that Tang Li found when he picked up Shen Na's mobile phone in his previous life.

   In the evening, another netizen revealed that Tang Li was attending school.

   For a time, all kinds of unbearable words like "pheasant university", "connected households" and "hidden rules" all fell on Tang Li.

   Maybe it was something from the previous campus forum, which made Li Yuaner worried.

   This time, it was also a sarcastic insult to Tang Li, but he no longer named him by name, but only implied by words. Any comments that mentioned Tang Li's name only involved questions and did not contain any personal attacks.

   Even so, Tang Li almost got hacked.

Under the official account of the drama version of "Original Sin", thousands of comments demanded that Tang Li be replaced.

  Gao Wenlan was not spared either. Fans of the book left messages saying they lost their fans and no longer supported Xu Yuan's new book. Even Guan Xiao was bombed by the navy.

   "How about we also buy some navy?" Wu Xuehan couldn't help suggesting.

Tang Li had just finished taking a shower and was wiping his hair with a towel: "If I go to buy a navy army now, and there are a lot of comments praising me on the Internet, it just gives the other party an opportunity, they can take a screenshot and say that I am hyping it up, so that As a result, I may really become a black net."

   This makes a lot of sense.

   Wu Xuehan agreed in his heart, but he still couldn't avoid worry: "I'm afraid that they will affect your state of filming."

   What if the crew believes these rumors and rejects Ali?

   The navy was so violent that she was afraid that the producers would not be able to withstand the pressure and really pulled A Li out. After all, A Li was just a newcomer with no reputation.

  Tang Li turned around and comforted Wu Xuehan: "This kind of public opinion attack is considered a pediatric subject in the entertainment industry, and it has only just begun. If I can't even bear these, I will not even think about mixing in this circle in the future."

   Wu Xuehan: "Can you really ignore these comments?"

"If they want to toss, they will continue to toss." Tang Li said, can't help but smile: "It's actually good to look at this from a different angle. I was a newcomer with no name, and now I'm fired by them. fame."

  If she was still the 19-year-old hillbilly who came to the capital from southern Yunnan to look for relatives in Li Yuaner's eyes, she might really back off because of the pressure of public opinion.

  Unfortunately, when she woke up that night, she was destined to no longer be her original self.

   In the afternoon of the second day, Tang Li appeared in the crew, and the staff treated her as usual, and did not alienate her because of online public opinion.

   After Tang Li arrived, Director Fan called her to talk.

"I have already sent the video of the scene between you and Guan Xiao to President Zhang. He is very satisfied with your role as Ying Xuan'er, as well as several other senior executives of the company. Even if they had concerns at first, they now believe in President Zhang's choice. ." Director Fan looked at Tang Li with high hopes: "As long as you film well, you don't need to pay attention to the rest. If you want to prove that you are very simple, use your strength to speak."

   (end of this chapter)

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