After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 171: Insufficient greed snake swallows elephant

  Chapter 171 Insufficient Greed

   As long as you step into the entertainment industry, few people don't want to be popular.

The premise of   Red is, of course, a good resource.

  Especially the resources of female artists are particularly important. Female artists are no better than male artists, and they cannot withstand the passage of time. Therefore, once they encounter a certain shortcut, many female artists are reluctant to give up.

Li Shengxia said: "Yuaner was too young when she was exposed to acting, and her parents were worried that she would sign with an outside agency. It just so happened that Tianyi also had the idea of ​​testing the waters of the film and television industry, so she founded Tianhua Entertainment Media. Tianhua's only signed artist."

   In other words, Tianhua is a company exclusively used by Li Yuaner.

"Sister Wen is a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry. Before Yuan'er, she brought Mo Hanqing, Liang Qi and Luo Xuan. Now they are all big names in the industry, especially Luo Xuan, who won a lot of money in the early years. less international awards."

  Whether it was Mo Hanqing or the latter two, they were all instant hits back then, and Le Wen also won the reputation of "star maker".

   Tang Li naturally understood the meaning of Li Shengxia's words.

Li Shengxia said, and squeezed her hand gently: "Although I am not in the entertainment industry, I have heard a lot of bad things, you were targeted as soon as you took the show, and it is impossible to guarantee that you will not encounter worse situations in the future. , while supporting you, I also hope that you will have less setbacks on this road."

  Tang Li's mouth lifted lightly: "I will remember what the eldest sister said, after all, in this circle, there are as many people as a feather in the face and behind."

   "..." Such an answer was different from what Li Shengxia expected.

  Even so, she still pursed her lips and smiled, and went back to the topic again: "Then find an agent first, like Yuan'er, someone will help you plan, and I will worry less about snacks."

   "I will consider it." Tang Li nodded.

Li Shengxia felt that it was time, and said, "Actually, I think Sister Wen is very good. Before I came to you, I asked her specifically. She only brings Yuan'er now, and she is quite leisurely. If you want, you can sign in Tianhua. , when the time comes, let Sister Wen take you."

Before Tang Li answered, Li Shengxia added: "Sister Wen happens to have several TV drama resources on hand, all of which are big investments. You can choose one. If you like it, ask Sister Wen to help you and let her come forward. The odds of success are higher after all.”

   "I share an agent with Yuan'er, will Yuan'er agree?"

   Tang Li asked suddenly.

Recognizing the sway in her words, Li Shengxia said, "What are you afraid of her? She didn't drive Tianhua. You can be selected in the drama version of "Original Sin", which shows that you are talented in acting, and Sister Wen is the best at it. It is to dig out all the potential strengths of the newcomers."

  Tang Li said hesitantly, "Then I'll think about it."

   "Okay." Li Shengxia smiled gracefully: "Think about it for yourself, and call me when you think about it."

   As soon as the voice fell, someone in the villa shouted "Tang Li".

  Tang Li looked at Li Shengxia: "I have a scene tonight, maybe I'm going to shoot it."

   Li Shengxia understood: "Come in."

   watched Tang Li walk into the villa before Li Shengxia pushed open the fence door and left.

  In the nanny car by the roadside, Li Yuaner kept watching, and when she saw Li Shengxia, she hurriedly pushed the car door down: "Sister, did she agree?"

  Li Shengxia frowned when she saw her so frizzy: "After so many years in the circle, why can't you hold your breath?"

   "..." Li Yuan'er pursed the corners of her lips.

   Involving Tang Li, she couldn't wait to know the result.

   As long as Tang Li becomes an artist under Sister Wen, she will let Sister Wen hide this shameless illegitimate daughter. Female artists are the most unbearable.

   I was tossed with my broken computer yesterday and forgot to say Happy New Year to everyone_(:з」∠)_

   I may be the only two stupid author who sits on the ground on New Year's Eve, disassembles the case and burns out the hard drive and power supply...



   (end of this chapter)

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