After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 173: Big brother, Tang Li said she wanted to be a big star

   Chapter 173 Big Brother, Tang Li said she wanted to be a big star

  Several calls came from Song Jingtian around 8pm.

   At that time, Tang Li was filming.

   When we arrived at the filming site, the mobile phones of the actors and staff had to be set to vibrate and mute. Before going on stage, the mobile phones had to be turned off, and they could not answer the phone while filming.

  So, she didn't turn on the phone all afternoon and night.

   Looking at the display on the phone at 23:48, Tang Li did not immediately return the call.

   As a result, the next morning, she was woken up by the vibration of her mobile phone.

  Tang Li looked at the caller ID, and was still sleepy, so he answered the phone in the bed.

   Before she could say a word, the bear child's question came from the receiver: "Why did you turn off the phone last night, what were you doing secretly?"

  The child's tender voice was full of energy, Tang Li endured the sleepiness and asked him, "Is there anything you can call me?"

  Song Jingtian asked back, "Can't I call you if I have nothing to do?"

   "..." Tang Li.

   "You haven't contacted me for so long, have you forgotten me?" The little guy spoke again on the other end of the phone, in a gesture of asking for guilt.

  Tang Li replied, "It's just that I've been a little busy recently."

"It's a shame I still worry about you. When I came back from the commercial port that night, my mother confiscated my pocket money and my watch, and asked the driver to follow me every day. I was not allowed to go anywhere except school and home. For so many days, I haven't even called me."

   "You're not doing well now." Tang Li didn't want to wake Wu Xuehan, got up and went to the kitchen, closed the door and continued: "I heard you speak so full of energy, at least it's better than me."

  Song Jingtian hummed and didn't bother with her any more: "Then what are you busy with recently?"

   "Follow the crew while filming."

   In front of a child, Tang Li did not deliberately hide it.

  Little guy: "Do you want to be a big star?"

  Tang Li didn't answer and asked, "Today is Tuesday, why don't you go to school?"

   "What's the hurry, it's not too early."

  Tang Li's mind flashed the image of him dangling his legs and wandering freely. Just as he was about to say the conclusion, Song Jingtian said again: "I've been here with my eldest brother for the past two days. After breakfast, I will go out with my eldest brother."

   The implication is that we will definitely not be late.

  Tang Li was holding the phone, and when he heard him mention Song Boyan, he felt uncomfortable.

  Song Jingtian's voice came again: "Where are you filming?"

  Tang Li reported the name of the community and urged him to have breakfast. The little guy said "Goodbye" to her despite his reluctance.

  Song Jingtian went downstairs with his heavy schoolbag and found that his eldest brother was already in the restaurant.

   On the long dining table, there is a combination of Chinese and Western breakfast.

   From time to time there are servants in and out of the kitchen.

  Song Boyan was reading the newspaper when he heard the creaking of the chair being pulled away, and looked up. Song Jingtian put his schoolbag on the ground aside, and pulled the chair back with two small hands, pulling it to an appropriate distance, he climbed up and sat down, and politely called eldest brother.

   "Why did it take so long to come down?" Song Boyan put down the newspaper.

  Song Jingtian held chopsticks and fleshy hands: "I called Tang Li."

   He raised his hand and scratched his face: "I called her last night and couldn't get through. She said she was filming."

   On the way to school, Song Jingtian who was sitting in the back of the car suddenly turned his head and told Song Boyan, "Brother, Tang Li said she wanted to be a big star."

   Afraid that the eldest brother would not understand, he specially explained: "Just like Marilyn Monroe."

   After saying that, he made a big **** gesture in front of him.

   Ji Ming who was looking in the rearview mirror: "..."

   Tang Xiaoli: Hehe, when did I say I wanted to be a big star...



   (end of this chapter)

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