Chapter 175 Being targeted and making things difficult

  Tang Li answered the phone and didn't go back to bed.

  After washing up, she changed her clothes and went downstairs for a morning run.

   In the morning, she took time to find a counselor, hoping that the hospital would allow her to take time off during filming.

  I thought it would take a lot of talking, but Gao Shengyan already knew that she took over the drama version of Ying Xuaner, so she did not deliberately make things difficult, and happily signed a leave approval slip for her.

  Tang Li went to the crew again and saw not only Guan Xiao, but also the female lead Yang Ning.

  Compared to Guan Xiao, Yang Ning's attitude towards newcomers is colder.

  When Tang Li entered the dressing room, Yang Ning was sitting and chatting with Guan Xiao. She caught a glimpse of Tang Li out of the corner of the eye. She just glanced at it lightly, and then got up to drink water.

An attitude like    is no better than ignoring it.

Yang Ning leaned against the dressing table with a cup of water, and continued to talk to Guan Xiao: "Last year at the Cannes Film Festival, there were a lot of domestic artists, and the hotel we booked was full. It took you two streets to find a place to live, and you didn’t go there at the time, so are you participating this year?”

   "We will see the situation then."

   Guan Xiao noticed Tang Li and said hello with a smile: "I didn't come here yesterday, how was the filming?"

  Tang Li smiled: "I think it's okay, but it depends on the director."

   "Then keep going." Guan Xiao encouraged her: "You've just started filming, and you've acted very well to that extent. If you have any questions on the set, you can ask me."

  Tang Li nodded, not forgetting to thank him.

   As for Yang Ning, after she called Mr. Yang ignored by the other party, she didn't go to the hot face and the cold **** again.

   Waiting for Yang Ning to put on makeup and go out first, Guan Xiao said: "Yang Ning is like this, taking the high and cold route, not against you, you don't have to worry about it."

  Tang Li pursed his lips and smiled.

It is hard to say whether    Yang Ning is targeting her.

As far as she knew, Yang Ning and Li Yuaner had cooperated in the early years. After Li Yuaner became a movie star in her previous life, Yang Ning posted an intimate photo of the two on the Internet, and added a sentence: "Sisters for ten years will never be separated. Family."

  According to that timeline, Yang Ning and Li Yuaner have a very good relationship now.

  Tang Li's guess was confirmed when shooting started.

   In the novel "Original Sin", the heroine Xu Mi is a forensic doctor. In several scenes to be filmed today, Xu Mi followed Luo Fan, played by Guan Xiao, to answer the family's confession.

   In one of the scenes, the hero and heroine went to the studio to find Ying Xuaner.

   The director shouted the action and the shooting started.

  Luo Fan took out his police officer card and showed it to the nanny at the door, then brought Xu Mi into the studio.

Pushing open the hidden door, a girl sitting in front of the drawing board appeared in front of the camera. She wore a ponytail, wearing a home uniform, wearing a special apron and sleeves for painting, holding the oil painting plate in one hand and the other in the other. The pen adds color to the drawing board.

   Her eyes were focused and serious, and she didn't seem to notice the visit of the "guest".

  Luo Fan approached, saw the content on the oil painting, and said, "Da Vinci's The Last Supper."

   Hearing this, the girl who was painting turned her head.

   Seeing the confusion in her eyes, Luo Fan introduced himself: "I'm Luo Fan, a criminal police officer from the Linyang District Bureau, who is in charge of investigating Lingmei Yingxu's case."

   Ying Xuan'er put the oil painting plate aside, and turned her eyes to Luo Fan's back.

  Luo Fan introduced Xu Mi: "This is my colleague, forensic doctor Xu Mi."

  According to the script, Xu Mi would go to the drawing board at this time and comment on the oil paintings made by Xuan'er.

   However, Yang Ning suddenly turned around and said to Fan Xin who was behind the monitor: "Director Fan, this is the new guy you're looking for? With a blank face and erratic eyes, how do Guan Xiao and I act?"

   (end of this chapter)

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