After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 179: No matter what conditions are used, sign Tang Li!

   Chapter 179 No matter what conditions are used, sign Tang Li!

   Guan Xiao asked: "Isn't he not bringing an artist?"

"I haven't brought him in the past two years, and I haven't seen him for a long time, but Feng Qi brought out a Liang Jincheng and made Liang Jincheng a grand slam actor. Even if he is paralyzed at home every day, he is still the best of IMG. broker."

   David changed the subject: "That's why he dared to attack Yang Ning like this. Chen Guangxi's face turned green, but he couldn't say anything to refute."

   In his last life, Tang Li had never been in the entertainment industry, so he didn't know about the agent.

   Listening to the conversation between Guan Xiao and David, she was completely ignorant.

   But she didn't take the initiative to ask questions.

   She is only a newcomer and has no access to senior managers, so naturally there is no need to spend too much time on it.

  Tang Li was going to go to the bathroom with Wu Xuehan, but Director Fan stopped her: "First come downstairs with me to meet someone."

   Temporary meeting room on the first floor.

   As soon as she walked to the door, Director Fan reminded her: "I won't follow you in. The people inside came here specially for you today, so you can seize the opportunity yourself."

   "..." Tang Li didn't understand.

   She was thinking about the opportunity when Fan Xin pushed the door open: "Go in."

  In the conference room, a woman's chatter was heard.

   As soon as Tang Li entered, he saw Yang Ning.

   Yang Ning was sitting there, leaning against the conference table with her right hand, and her manager was standing beside her. Tang Li noticed again that there was a handsome man sitting across from Yang Ning with his legs crossed.

  Tang Li's eyes fell on the man's dark green suit, and then he guessed the identity of the other party.

  ——It should be the senior agent in David's mouth.

   Thinking of Director Fan asking her to "seize the opportunity", Tang Li's mind flashed some speculation, but he thought it was nonsense.

   Feng Qi had already seen Tang Li.

   He directly interrupted Yang Ning who was talking: "I have something to do here, so I won't leave you guys."

Yang Ning felt that Feng Qi's attitude towards her was lukewarm, but she still wanted to befriend Feng Qi. Even in the past two years, she still didn't give up her original idea. If Feng Qi and Chen Guangxi planned for her, she would be in the future. It can even go to the international cinema.

   "Then I'll go back upstairs first. If I can't get there, Director Fan will have to worry again."

  Yang Ning made a round for himself.

   She stood up and turned to go out, but she stopped when she saw Tang Li.

   Feng Qi's voice came from behind: "Come and sit."

  ...Of course this was not addressed to her.

   Until she walked out of the conference room, Yang Ning couldn't help but look inside. Seeing Tang Li sitting in the position she had just now, it was an indescribable complex emotion.

   When the door was closed, she asked Chen Guangxi, "Why do you think Feng Qi met a new person?"

   There is only one possibility for a senior agent to meet a new actor.

   There is no need for Chen Guangxi to answer, Yang Ning has the numbers.

The number    made her heart surging.

  How did he lower his profile at the beginning, Feng Qi refused to take her, and now he wants to take this little-known actor?

   "Feng Qi has fallen into his golden sign now!"

After   , Yang Ning left with a sneer.

After receiving a message from Yang Ning, Li Yuaner was sitting in front of the mirror and applying makeup. She had her own dressing room and makeup girl. In the message, Yang Ning said that Feng Qi had come to the crew and might be Tang Li's manager. Of course Yuan'er knew who Feng Qi was, she panicked and called out to Sister Wen.

   "What's the matter?" Sister Wen put down the magazine and came over.

  Li Yuan'er grabbed her arm: "You go next door now, no matter what conditions you use, sign Tang Li!"

   (end of this chapter)

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