Chapter 183 She is a jackal!

After    finished speaking, Tang Li handed back the phone: "I still have a scene to shoot, so go back upstairs first."

Walking to the corner of the stairs, Tang Li stopped and looked at Le Wen with a half-smiling smile: "Sister Wen and eldest sister have a good discussion, and if you want to sign me, Sister Wen will come upstairs, and we will talk to the director. Say."

Watching Tang Li go upstairs and into a certain room, Le Wen turned around and walked out, while chatting with Li Shengxia on the other end of the phone: "Fenghua Media values ​​Yuaner's popularity and wants Yuaner to appear in "Martial God", I have verbally promised Fenghua that On the other hand, Fenghua will not agree to let a newcomer play with Zhou Yao."

   Li Shengxia certainly understands this truth.

   She said that just now, but she wanted to stabilize Tang Li.

   Therefore, when Tang Li said that she wanted to advertise it, she would quickly stop it.

   Li Shengxia just hung up the phone when the servant knocked on the door.

   In the restaurant, Mrs. Li and Li Wenyan and his wife were both there, and Li Shengxia sat down beside Ouyang Qian.

   Looking at Shuya's beautiful eldest granddaughter, Madam Li jokingly said, "They all say that girls are outgoing, hiding in the room by themselves and calling Yansheng again?"

   "Grandma wronged me." Li Shengxia took Mrs. Li's small bowl and said while pouring the soup, "I just talked to Yuan'er's manager, Sister Wen, and something happened, so I delayed eating."

   Hearing that her little granddaughter was in trouble, Mrs. Li immediately asked, "What happened to Yuan'er?"

"What can she do?" Ouyang Qian said: "She doesn't have to toss a few times, everyone in our family can be several years younger." After speaking, she interrupted her eldest daughter: "Have a good meal now and talk about work. ."

  Li Wenyan said: "Xia Xia caring about her sister is a good thing."

   "You, you are used to them!"

  Ouyang Qian smiled at her husband.

   Li Shengxia said, "It's not about Yuan'er."

   heard that, everyone at the table looked at her.

  Li Shengxia hesitated for a moment, worried about the seriousness of the matter, but told the truth: "It's Ali."

   Hearing this name, Li Wenyan's face was not very good.

   "I also just found out yesterday." Li Shengxia looked at his father: "Ali wants to play Ying Xuaner in the drama version of "Original Sin", which is Yuaner's role in the movie."

   "Bullshit!" Li Wenyan suddenly got angry: "She doesn't know how to act, so she ran to toss!"

   "It was Yuan'er who called and told me that I learned that Ali was filming next door to Yuan'er. Later... I saw some negative comments on the Internet."

   "What comment?" Li Wenyan asked.

"Some people revealed that Ali was a member of the crew through relationships, and Ali's name and school were also dug up." Li Shengxia paused and said, "Now that the Internet is developed, artists basically have no privacy, since Ali intends to engage in this field. One line, but also be prepared to be questioned by the media to the end."

   Li Wenyan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot when he heard these words.

   Mrs. Li slammed her chopsticks on the table: "I asked you to send her to her hometown in the countryside a long time ago, but you don't listen. This troublemaker really wants our whole family to accompany her to be embarrassed before giving up!"

   "Mom, don't get angry." Ouyang Qian hurriedly got up and went over, stroking Mrs. Li's back: "Ali is not a child either, so he will have his own measure."

Mrs. Li looked at her daughter-in-law angrily: "You are helping her, even I can see that she went to film to compete with Yuan'er! This is a jackal, and sooner or later, it will attack us Li Li. Family!"

   (end of this chapter)

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