After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 197: She took Song Boyan's panties...

  Chapter 197 She took Song Boyan's panties...

  Tang Li ran to the corner of the third and second floors and found that Tibetan Mastiff was squatting at the entrance of the stairs, biting her blue BRA.

   Even a domestic Tibetan mastiff cannot become a husky.

   A dog is hostile to anyone who tries to grab something from its mouth.

  She has raised dogs before, but that doesn't mean she can treat Tibetan mastiffs and native dogs the same.

   Before Tang Li really came downstairs to approach, the Tibetan Mastiff suddenly turned around, ran into the corridor on the second floor, and slipped directly into a certain room.

  ... There is an illusion of being played by dogs.

  Tang Li didn't have time to think about it, and came to the door of the room where the Tibetan Mastiff entered.

   She had already guessed whose room this was.

   Standing outside the door, she could only stare at the Tibetan dog lying on the ground and biting on the bra straps.

Although she knew that it was impolite to trespass into other people's bedrooms, when she found that the Tibetan mastiff suddenly got up and ran away, leaving only her bra on the blanket, she was inevitably hesitant. She didn't want Song Boyan to see this thing, but she didn't take it back now, extremely There may never be a suitable opportunity again.

   Hesitating for only three seconds, Tang Li chose to push the door and enter.

   She didn't know whether Song Boyan was inside or not.

   So, keep your steps light.

   Not wanting to offend Song Boyan, she got her things and left.

   When she picked up the bra on the rug at the end of the bed, she found that the pads inside were gone!

  Tang Li thought that the dog must have taken it away. He looked around and found no Tibetan Mastiff. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the open cloakroom.

   Before she could go to the cloakroom, a fluffy dog's head stuck out from the crack of the bathroom door.

  Tibetan Mastiff "hoho" sticking out his tongue, nothing in his mouth.

  Tang Li suspected that the chest pad was hidden in the bathroom by it.

   For the first time since his rebirth, Tang Li wanted to describe his mood as "devastated".

   She was thinking about what to do, because Song Boyan would come back at any time, the Tibetan Mastiff ran out of the bathroom suddenly, and slipped out through the crack of the bedroom door.

   Seeing this, Tang Li didn't hesitate any longer and ran into the bathroom to find a chest pad.

   looked around, his eyes finally stopped on the dirty clothes basket.

  Song Boyan had already taken a shower, and his gray shirt and pantyhose were thrown inside.

  In the entire bathroom, only this dirty laundry basket can hide things.

   She stood by the dirty clothes basket for more than ten seconds, and finally squatted down, took out shirts and clothes, and found her missing breast pads underneath.

   lies with the chest pad, and a pair of black shorts.

   After all, it is a man's underwear, Tang Li dare not touch it, it is not because it is dirty, but he does not want to invade other people's privacy.

  When she picked up the corner of her shorts, the bathroom door opened.

Song Boyan didn't expect to see Tang Li in the bathroom of his bedroom. Her black hair just past her shoulders was half-wet, and she was wearing a white bathrobe. Her already beautiful features became whiter and redder after bathing. For herself, panic flashed in her eyes, and she was still squatting beside the dirty clothes basket.

   Song Boyan also noticed that she was holding the shorts she just changed.

"……It's not what you think."

  Tang Li knew that his explanation was pale and weak.


   Even if she has different feelings for him, she can't do something indescribable.

   "I'll come in and look for something." Tang Li didn't dare to look Song Boyan's eyes again, and she put the shorts on top of the shirts and trousers: "A dog took my underwear, I came here with it."

   At such a time, any explanation is like a sophistry.

  Tang Li took out the chest pad from the dirty clothes basket and put it into the pocket of the bathrobe with lightning speed: "I've found it, I'll go back to the guest room first."

   (end of this chapter)

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