After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 217: go for the most important role

   Chapter 217 Go for the most important role

  Tang Li was suddenly confused. He didn't know why Yu Sui was here, and he was still with Feng Qi. They couldn't be related.

   When she pushed open the fence gate, Feng Qi had already hung up the phone.

Feng Qi turned around and seemed to want to tell Yu Sui something, Yu Guang found Tang Li coming out, and immediately told Tang Li: "The company gave you a new assistant. Today is the first day of work, and I will follow you from now on. If you have anything, I will tell her to go. Do, and call me again if you have problems."

  Tang Li glanced at Yu Sui beside him: "Didn't you say IMG Media only recruits graduates?"

   Feng Qi said: "She is a fresh graduate."

Speaking, Feng Qi thought of something, pointed at Yu Sui with the phone, and continued to talk to Tang Li: "It's also a coincidence, she happens to be in the same school as you, I asked her on the way here, she is still living in the art academy, in the future you will I also have a companion when I go back to school after the show.”

  "..." Tang Li pulled the corner of his lower lip.

  Yu Sui has already bowed to her, no longer the usual arrogant manner: "Hello Miss Tang, I'm very happy to be your assistant."

   looked up again, with a nervous smile on his face.

   seems to be afraid of dismantling her.

  Tang Li didn't know how Yu Sui got through the interview, but she obviously had a certificate from the school that she was a fresh graduate of the senior year.

  Yu Guowen is the leader of the school, so it is not difficult to help my niece get a certificate for her internship.

   is just—

  Tang Li doesn't really want this new assistant.

   After all, Yu Sui and her relationship are not harmonious.

   Yu Sui was a little worried before, worried that Tang Li would reveal her identity in front of her manager.

   But Tang Li didn't say a word to her until he got in the car.

   Of course, he ignored her.

   Sitting in the nanny car, Yu Sui closed the door, took the initiative to pick up the thermos cup and handed it to Tang Li: "Miss Tang drink water."

  Tang Li glanced at her. It was the first time he saw Yu Sui being so attentive, and he also took the thermos over.

   Qi Liang lives in a courtyard house in a hutong alley.

  The nanny's car drove into the alley, and Feng Qi stopped the car: "Qi Liang hates actors playing big names. It's the first time we met, and since I want to get a role, I still have to make a good impression."

   Tang Li nodded and followed Feng Qi out of the car.

   Hutong alleys go around seven times and eight times, Feng Qi asked a few people to find the house number.

When he pushed open the gate of the courtyard, he saw the situation in the courtyard before he stepped over the threshold. Qi Liang was sitting on the pony bar, and there were three other people beside him. They were discussing something. Qi Liang took a notebook and stopped from time to time to write. Remember.

  Tang Li stood behind Feng Qi and looked at the two dark-skinned men in the courtyard. If she was not mistaken, they were from Myanmar and Vietnam.

   As for Qi Liang, he is a slender Pentecostal man.

   Tang Li's left foot was entangled in something.

   She lowered her head and found a little yellow dog around her wagging its tail desperately.

  About 4 months old, with a slight whimper, innocent and harmless eyes, showing a certain purity of expectation.

  Tang Li couldn't help bending over to hug it, lowered his head and touched its back, and the little yellow dog settled down instantly.

   At this moment, Qi Liang looked at her.

   A person with a bad temper will definitely not be good-natured.

  Tang Li is very good at observing words and expressions, and immediately put the little yellow dog back on the ground.

   Feng Qi has already entered: "Director Qi is still the same. No matter what he shoots, he will let himself learn first. If this continues, you will become everyone in the circle."

   "Is there something wrong here?" Qi Liang obviously knew Feng Qi as well.

   (end of this chapter)

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