After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 232: She should have been frightened.

  Chapter 232 She should have been frightened.

   Couldn't find a towel, so she could only wipe her eyes with a sweater.

   stood up from the ground again, the whole person looked extremely embarrassed.

  Because of the cold weather, she only brought some small clothes to change and wash. She guessed that she was going to climb the mountain, so she did not stuff heavy coats and pants into her bag.

  Tang Li had no time to wash his hair, took a towel to wrap his hair, and looked down at his body, the sweater was mostly wet. Thinking that he didn't bring a spare sweater, he had to take off this one and wring out the water stains on the sweater.

   Just then, the bathroom door suddenly opened.

  Tang Li didn't have time to put the sweater back on.

  Song Boyan returned to the yard and saw that his left hand was stained with incense ashes. He planned to come to the bathroom to wash, but he opened the door and saw such a scene, which was unexpected.

  Tang Li "..."

   She actually didn't expect that Song Boyan would come back now.

In the past few days, Song Boyan had to go to the host's residence to play chess after having lunch. He didn't return to the yard until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and Ji Ming and others basically didn't come here during the day, and because the lock on the bathroom door was broken, she I just wanted to wash my hair, but I didn't prevent it from happening at all.

  The bathroom was silent, and time seemed to be stretched countless times.

   Song Boyan was still holding the doorknob in his left hand.

   When he saw that the man with the disheveled clothes inside was Tang Li, he closed the door again at a lightning-fast speed.

  Tang Li stood where he was, a heart almost popped out of his throat.

   One minute and one second, I don't know how long it has passed.

   She put the sweater back on her body, washed her hair quickly and went back to the room.

  I wanted to pretend that nothing had happened, but the moment I raised my hand to change clothes, the scene of the bathroom just now came to my mind.

   As for Song Boyan's face at that time——

   can only be described with the words "expressionless".

   She should have been frightened.

   Or, did he think he did it on purpose?

   After all, in his eyes, he doesn't seem to be a pure and harmless little white rabbit.

  Thinking like this, Tang Li couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips.

Taking off her dirty clothes, she climbed into the bed, took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her jacket, and sent a text message: "I accidentally fell in the bathroom just now, my sweater and pants were stained, I didn't bring other clothes when I went up the mountain, I don't know what to do now."

   Afraid that he would not believe it, he reposted: "I won't lie to you, I just feel uncomfortable and want to wash my hair."

   After sending the message, Tang Li remembered something and got out of bed again.

   She put on her sneakers, took out small clean clothes from her bag, and stuffed them all into the bed.

   Before long, the phone vibrated.

  Song Boyan replied: "In the room now?"

  Tang Li looked at the phone and smiled. After replying to the message, she waited obediently, feeling that there was a missing piece in her heart, and she slowly completed the repair unknowingly.

  About 10 minutes in the past, the door was knocked loudly.

   "The door is not locked." Tang Li said.

   As a result, Aunt Zhang, who was in charge of cooking in the kitchen, opened the door and came in.

  Tang Li: "..."

   Looking at Tang Li, who was curled up in the bed with his shoulders slightly exposed, Aunt Zhang closed the door with her backhand.

  There are many men in the temple, and now there is a little girl, no one can guarantee that she will suddenly bump into it.

   "What about Mr. Song and others?" Tang Li asked again.

   Aunt Zhang put the clothes on the bedside and explained: "That Mr. Song came to the kitchen to find me, and I was startled. Later, he said that you fell over when washing your hair, and asked me to bring you a set of clothes."

   "I'm the only old woman on the mountain. I just bought this outfit this year, and I haven't worn it yet. You'll have to deal with it for two days."

   (end of this chapter)

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