After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 240: Don't be afraid, I'll take you out right away

   Chapter 240 Don't be afraid, I'll take you out immediately

   "Did you finish the jump?" The little novice was already chasing after him.

  Tang Li nodded.

   The little novice wearing the silver headdress was a little dissatisfied: "Everyone dances for an hour or two. You see, you don't arrive for ten minutes."

   "I know this part." Tang Li took the headdress from his head: "How about you dance this time, and I'll be a pillar for you."

   The little novice muttered, "I can't dance."

  Tang Li was planning to go back under the big tree, and more and more people were dancing with her. Suddenly, she was surrounded by the crowd. It was not like the little novice had gotten out.

   The bonfire behind him crackled.

  Tang Li's left eye suddenly felt uncomfortable.

   There was firewood next to it, and it seemed that debris flew into her eyes.

   She rubbed her hands, the more she rubbed her eyes, the more she could not open her eyes.

   Someone bumped her.

Tang Li was standing beside the bonfire, and the force of the collision was slightly stronger. She was caught off guard and managed to stand still. Someone touched her again. Inside, there are shadowy dancing figures.

  No one noticed her strangeness, so people kept bumping over her.

   The accompaniment was too loud, Tang Li wanted to speak, but his voice was quickly covered.

   She didn't dare to squat down for fear of being trampled.

  Tang Li tried hard not to let herself fall when she was hit, but it was only a few seconds, but she felt that the heat behind her was getting higher and higher, reminding her of her helpless situation in the fire scene in her previous life.

   When she was hit again, a warm body was attached to her back, and a pair of big hands supported her shoulders, Tang Li felt that he was being embraced by a man.

   Almost subconsciously, she wanted to avoid each other's touch.

   As a result, Song Boyan's soothing familiar voice came from his ear: "Don't be afraid."

  Tang Li's whole body suddenly relaxed.

  Like floating duckweed, she finally found a harbor that she could rely on. Instead of nervousness, it was the sense of security she longed for.

   was turned around, her forehead resting on the man's shoulder intentionally or not.

  Song Boyan also seemed to notice the change in her mood. From the initial resistance to the initiative to approach later, his left hand around the girl's waist tightened slightly and brought her into his arms.

   The sound of singing and dancing is still in my ears.

   But behind him is no longer a fire.

   She opened her eyes with difficulty, only vaguely seeing the man's Adam's apple.

Song Boyan smelled like tobacco after exposure, and her breath made her feel more at ease, just like what she smelled when she hugged him at the high-speed rail station that afternoon, but this time, it had a slightly drunken smell of malt. With his hands around his shoulders, Tang Li couldn't get close by himself.

   As Song Boyan spoke, his Adam's apple slipped slightly: "I'll take you out immediately."

   At this moment, Tang Li felt a little lost.

   was taken out of the crowd, and Song Boyan let go of her when she learned that something had entered her left eye.

   Then, the man's rough palm pressed against her left brow bone, and the calloused thumb pad propped up her upper eyelid, Tang Li did not dare to move.

   helped her remove the dirt, Song Boyan loosened her eyelids: "How is it now?"

  Tang Li blinked, it was all right.

   Then, he looked up at Song Boyan.

   Song Boyan looked at the slightly childish expression on her face, as if he had just changed a magic trick, and smiled slowly, with a bit of intriguing warmth: "Stupid surrounded by so many people?"

   After a while, Tang Li suddenly said, "You've been drinking."

   (end of this chapter)

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