After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 243: Do you really know what a 'like' is?

   Chapter 243 Do you really know what 'like' is?

The girl's hand was cold, she touched the man's generous palm lightly, and then grabbed a few of his fingers: "Other people's godfathers are all in business, and I can't compare with mine, you have become my godfather, others are sure Don't dare to dive into me, even Li Wenyan can't do anything to me."

   Her tone showed a bit of self-satisfaction.

   It seems that he has really thought of a good way.

  Song Boyan allowed her to pull his left hand, feeling the coolness of his palm, slightly folded his fingers, and clenched her little hand: "So eager to find yourself a backer?"

"Then do you agree?" Tang Li looked up, the lights under the eaves were dim, and in her sight, the handsome features of the man were hidden behind the thin smoke, she watched him slowly light the ashes: "Such a big daughter, I'm afraid Not so lucky."

   "...don't you really like me?"

  Tang Li couldn't help but speak.

  Song Boyan stopped tapping the cigarette ash with his thumb, and then smiled: "What am I thinking, you can already see it now?"

"I didn't see it, you made it yourself." Tang Li's cheeks flushed, but his consciousness became clearer and clearer: "If you don't like me, why do you help me pay the sponsorship fee? You asked Ji Ming to send me an umbrella. , and sprayed me with medicine in the car, I was attacked on the forum, and Ji Ming called the branch, and you asked the school to help me change the dormitory, and you always lent me your own suit."

"Like a psychology teacher, who has been giving me thinking lessons, for fear that I will grow crooked, Li Wenyan wants to give me to someone else, you said you would talk to him, you are not me, what position do you have to talk to him about my marriage? ?

  I want to be close to Qin Yansheng to make Li Shengxia feel uncomfortable. As soon as you know about it, you come to me for dinner, saying that it is a meal, but it is actually giving me psychological counseling.

  I went to find you, and you let me spend the night at Yunqi Villa, and at the birthday banquet of Li's family, the little novice in the temple told me that you asked him not to wake me up every morning. "

  Song Boyan's smile faded.

Tang Li added: "I understand everything very clearly, you still treat me like a child, but you are so kind to me, except that you like my mother, I can't think of any other reason, so, even with Aiwu Jiwu, You see me like you see your own daughter."

Speaking of which, she slowly exhaled a sigh of relief: "I figured it out just now, if you really like my mother, I can understand, my mother is really good-looking, she doesn't know what my grandfather did before, She always thought my grandfather was in the jade business."

Even if she is extremely reluctant to admit it, she doesn't want to lie to herself now: "You care about someone who has nothing to do with you, and your brain is not damaged by the door. In fact, I should have found out, your dog is barking too. Axi, you still have a red string, mine was made by my mother, although I don't remember the pattern, if it is a coincidence, if there are too many coincidences, it will become a fact."

  Tang Li lowered his head and continued: "She is kind and knowledgeable. It's not unbelievable that you like her. If it were me, I would like her too."

  Song Boyan didn't answer these words, just asked her: "You really know what 'like' is at a young age?"

  ——How could you not know?

  She wasn't really only nineteen.

   withdrew his hand, Tang Li looked away, looking in a trance: "I don't know, I thought I knew, but in the end, I found out that I was self-righteous."

   No matter in her previous life or now, she always seems to be wrong emotionally.

   "It's fine if you don't be my godfather, the twisted melon is not sweet, and I'm not the kind of person who likes the overlord to take the bait."

When the words were over, Tang Li stood up, slowly backed away with his hands behind his back, and then looked at Song Boyan with a smile: "I will grow up with my roots, even if you can't be my godfather, you are still an uncle, you are such a good person. It's a pity that my mother didn't meet you a few years ago."

  Song Boyan raised his eyes, looked at her with deep eyes, and didn't say anything to refute.

   "This time, really good night."

  Tang Li returned to the door of his house, stretched out his hand to pull the door, and looked at Song Boyan again: "Rest early, Uncle Song."

After   , she closed the door with a creak.

   Turning around and leaning against the door, Tang Li felt that the courage inspired by the can of beer had faded away.

   She wasn't drunk, she knew exactly what she was talking about.

   Recalling the picture of Song Boyan hugging herself by the bonfire, her heart was still warm.

   In fact, this is also very good, it is better to let it happen than to force it.

   For the next two days, Tang Li spent most of her time chanting and praying for Tang Yin. Even though she lived in the same yard, she didn't meet Song Boyan much.

  Only in the evening of the second day, after passing the small courtyard of the host, I saw Song Boyan and the old host sitting at the stone table and playing chess.

   But she wisely didn't bother to go in.

   When Tang Li left, the old host suddenly raised his head, glanced at the courtyard door, and then said, "The finance minister is no longer as distracted as he used to be when he went up the mountain this time."

  Song Boyan put down a chess piece and smiled lightly: "It's just mediocrity."

"All the dharmas that exist are all due to the harmony of causes and conditions, and the conditions arise from time to time, and there are no conditions at all, but that's just the way it is." The old host's voice, which has been through vicissitudes of life, is like a Buddha's verse: "If you can love each other, it is the best. "

   Looking at the layout on the chessboard, this time, the [general] between Song Boyan's fingers was slow to fall.

   The next morning, Tang Li took Song Boyan's special car back to the capital.

  When the car approached the gate of the Art Academy, Tang Li asked the driver to stop: "On the way back to the dormitory, I can walk in by myself."

   At this time, the school was full of people, and she didn't want to be too public.

   got out of the car, Tang Li stepped aside.

   watched the car go away before she entered the school.

  Tang Li had spoken to Wu Xuehan on the phone and learned that Wu Xuehan and Yu Sui were still in class, and because it was not time for lunch, she went back to Wentanyuan first.

   As soon as he walked uphill, Tang Li stopped in place.

   In front, at the gate of Wentan Garden, under the tree by the roadside, a white Audi car was parked.

A young man was leaning against the driver's door. He was wearing a peacock blue coat, black trousers and a white shirt, which made him look tall. There were already several cigarette butts next to the tires of the car. He seemed to be thinking about something. , the whole person seemed a little absent-minded.

   The sun was shining brightly, but Tang Li's arm burst into small particles.

   There seems to be an endless chill coming.

   In this life, when she sees Han Jifeng again, she only feels a dull pain in her temples.

   That feeling of dying made her reluctant to take half a step forward.

Tang Li didn't know how she walked back. When she calmed down, she was already standing at the crossroads outside the teaching building, looking at the students passing by. What lingered in her mind was how she was shot and fell to the ground in her previous life. of that scene.

   Two more in one, what about the group~



   (end of this chapter)

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