After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 245: I am the first wife, you are the concubine~

   Chapter 245 I am the original wife, you are the concubine~

The three words   Han Jifeng made her resist more than anyone in the Li family.

   If it is said that Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter are constantly squeezing her living space, then Han Jifeng is the one who took over the butcher's knife, knife after knife, until she completely deprives her of life.

   has nothing to do with love, in this life, she just doesn't want to mention the name Han Jifeng again.

  Tang Li suppressed the surging emotions in his chest, and replied in a flat tone: "I don't know very well, he is my sister's college classmate."

   "You still have a sister?" Yu Sui turned to look at Tang Li: "Aren't you the only daughter?"

   "When did I say I was an only child?"

   Yu Sui was at a loss for words.

  It seems that Tang Li did not say that.

  The personal information about Tang Li is all conjectured by the classmates. A taciturn student, either from a bad background or an unknown experience.

Although Tang Li is not wearing a famous brand now, it is no longer an old shirt and outdated jeans. Yu Sui pursed her lips and glanced at Wu Xuehan. She was not surprised. Obviously, she already knew about Tang Li's family situation. Somewhat awkward.

   "I'm your assistant now, I think I should get to know your family situation."

   Seeing that Yu Sui has learned to express his dissatisfaction euphemistically, Tang Li rarely cooperates: "You only need to know that I have two sisters who share different mothers, and my father's current wife is not my mother. As for the rest, it is inconvenient to disclose for the time being."

   Yu Sui said quietly: "Is it inconvenient to tell me, or you didn't tell others."

   said, she glanced at Wu Xuehan again.

  Wu Xuehan straightened her back and squinted at Yu Sui happily: "We are different, I am the original wife, and a latecomer like you is the mistress. Have you ever seen the master discuss important matters with his concubine?"

  "..." Yu Sui was so angry that he almost nodded and smoked.

  Tang Li just wanted to urge them to eat, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the door of the cafeteria.

Wu Xuehan also turned his head, saw Jiang Yining and the tall boy beside Jiang Yining, and took the initiative to solve Tang Li's confusion: "Yining recently got very close to Wu Han, who majored in vocal music, I thought they were in love, but someone asked Yining, Yi Ning Ning said they were just ordinary friends, and it seemed that Wu Han was chasing her."

   "Of course she won't say that she is having an affair with Wu Han." Yu Sui sneered: "If she is with Wu Han, is it impossible for her to be with Fu Si?"

   "What does this have to do with Fu Si?" Wu Xuehan was puzzled.

   Tang Li has already understood.

  Yu Sui added: "Wu Han is Fu Si's roommate. Fu Si has a very bad personality. In the second year of sophomore year, none of the boys in the same class wanted to share a dormitory with him, so the counselor arranged him into a dormitory majoring in vocal music."

   Fu Si is unwilling to talk to Jiang Yining. If Jiang Yining does not want to give up, he can only rely on outwitness. It is undoubtedly a way to get close to Fu Si's roommate.

   "It was said that he was walking on the road, and accidentally bumped into Wu Han." Yu Sui hehe: "This kind of white lotus routine, this kind of straight man will believe it is fate."

   Over there, Wu Han went to line up to buy food, and Jiang Yining chose an empty table.

   As soon as she was about to sit down, she saw Tang Li and others.

   Jiang Yining walked over, ignoring Yu Sui's hostility, and sat opposite Tang Li with an intimate tone: "Ali, are you the heroine of the MV for Mao Yiming's new song "Still"?"

  Tang Li turned his eyes to her and smiled: "Is it me, you don't know very well?"

   "..." Jiang Yining.

   After the discussion, she didn't get up and left, and continued: "Ali, are you going to come back to class after filming "Original Sin", or are you looking for another drama appointment?"

   There are two more chapters tonight, it's even later, don't stay up late, you can watch it when you wake up tomorrow~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

   I would like to thank the little fairies and the big fairies for their recommendation tickets and rewards. I have watched them in the background, so I won't write my name here~~ Keep it in my heart!



   (end of this chapter)

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