After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 248: Song Boyan's New Year's text message

  Chapter 248 Song Boyan's New Year's Text Message

Through such packaging strategies and hype, an artist can easily become a household name star, but when asked about her/his representative works, people will look at each other. Therefore, sometimes, maintaining topicality and exposure is better than making one The fire TV series achieved poor results.

   Now, Jiang Yining just wants to let himself into the public eye through the hype.

Yu Sui turned to Jiang Yining's account on Instagram: "It's enough, I'm addicted to pretending to be a little flower, and also abbreviated our school's name to Shouyi. The first film student across the road has scolded us shamelessly on the alumni network. "

   "Show me." Wu Xuehan leaned over.

   Jiang Yining's ins account has been disclosed by the marketing account, called [Tinghai de Jiang Xiaoniu].

   "... such a small and fresh name."

Listening to Wu Xuehan's tongue smacking, Yu Sui snorted: "She took the initiative to find those marketing accounts to kill two birds with one stone. She not only 'clarified' herself, but also allowed the marketing account to expose her account. Now there are more than 40,000 fans, and it is estimated that they have been hiding. Have fun under the covers."

   "Let me show Ali." Wu Xuehan said and took the phone.

   Jiang Yining's ins account is very simple.

The    avatar is a photo of cute parrot brothers.

  ins' personal introduction, which reads: "A fish girl who doesn't understand astrology and has serious procrastination."

This account was registered this afternoon. Tang Li took over the phone. Jiang Yining posted an ins at 3 pm and 7 pm respectively. The first ins content was a screenshot of the private message she posted and the marketing account, and the second Weibo. The content is that she expresses her dissatisfaction that her life is disturbed.

[I want to say something, but I don’t know what to say. My classmate reminded me that it’s best not to talk nonsense now. No matter what I say, it will definitely be misinterpreted, but I still want to post this ins. I’m not the first art school flower. She’s just an ordinary girl. She is chasing American and Korean dramas on the Internet in the dormitory when she is not in class. Today, I suddenly hit a hot search. I am completely stunned. Stop spreading the word, thank you! 】

   The tone between the lines is a soft girl's tone, which is not pretentious. After reading it, it is difficult to be malicious to such a girl with a true temperament.

  Tang Li declined to comment.

   Everyone chooses a different path, even if she doesn’t agree, it’s not her turn to point fingers.

  Since Jiang Yining intends to take this road, he must have been prepared accordingly.

Before Tang Li fell asleep at night, thinking that it was December 30, she took out her mobile phone from under the pillow again, and in the sound of fireworks from afar, she edited a group message of blessing: "I wish everyone a happy New Year's Day in advance, and compare your hearts manually. :-)."

   When adding recipients, he hesitated a little, but still clicked on the name of "Song Boyan".

   is actually only 7 contacts.

   In addition to Song Boyan, Wu Xuehan and Yu Sui, Feng Qi, Fan Xin and Gao Wenlan, and finally she added Fu Si.

   Within ten minutes, she received replies one after another.

   After all, it was a group text message, and Tang Li didn't expect everyone to reply.

   In the middle of the night, she got up to go to the toilet and found that there were new unread text messages on her phone, the sender was Song Boyan, and the time showed 12:35 in the morning.

  Song Boyan said in a text message: "A new year and a new start, study hard, work hard, and live hard, time flies, don't waste the good time."

   Jiang Yining is very useful, everyone remember this dangerous [atomic bomb level] character...

   Of course, it's not about the danger of Ali... You know [smile]



   (end of this chapter)

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