Chapter 252 Overestimating yourself

  Tang Li faced the reporters present and smiled slightly: "It's really me, I would like to thank Teacher Guan for giving me the opportunity to shoot an MV for the first time. If there are any shortcomings, I hope everyone will bear with me."

  Her attitude is humble but not arrogant, and has won the favor of many media.

"Tang Li is an actor in our "Original Sin" crew and a newcomer who has just entered the industry. Please don't bully her." Guan Xiao stood up at the right time, took the microphone, and used a joke to defuse the reporter's "siege" of Tang Li: "When "Original Sin" is broadcast next year, I would like to ask for your support."

   "Guan Xiao, you and Tang Li have been on the hot search today, did you know that?"

   The click of the photo did not cover the reporter's question.

   Guan Xiao took the microphone and replied, "Even if you didn't pay attention at first, if you say that, I'll have to use my mobile phone to surf the Internet when I'm backstage. As long as I don't write that our children have already played soy sauce, I can accept it."

   As soon as these words came out, the reporters at the scene laughed out loud.

Guan Xiao's humorous "self-defeating" is also a side denial of the scandal between him and Tang Li. In addition, the interaction between the two is very normal. The reporter can't capture the small details of the "eye-catching", so he didn't ask any tricky questions. .

   When asked about Yang Ning's absence, Guan Xiao only said: "We filmed a night scene last night. Yang Ning said that he was not feeling well. He should have a cold and fever. It's been cold recently. Everyone really needs to keep warm."

After    finished speaking, Guan Xiao returned the microphone to the host.

   His move means the end of the question-and-answer session with reporters.

  Tang Li stayed by the side quietly, without stealing the camera or pouting, when Guan Xiao turned his head and stretched out his hand, motioning her to enter the arena, Tang Li immediately followed suit.

The   marketing account quickly made this scene into a GIF dynamic picture and put it online.

  【The powerful star and the rookie actress... Enough for me to make up a 100,000-word romance novel that bombards the hearts of girls! The last handful of dog food at the end of the year, I did it, you can do whatever you want! 】

   Within 20 minutes, this post was flooded with comments.

  【Hathaway is not at home】: "The two of them match each other, so wouldn't they really be dating?"

   [Xiaoqingxin under the window]: "Take my Xiaoxiao away, it's just ordinary seniors and juniors, hype or something, we won't make an appointment. [Bye bye]"

  【Green plum boiled wine】: "Hehe, the producer of the drama version of "Original Sin" has to force a new person to walk the red carpet in place of the heroine and Guan Xiao. If you want to hold the backstage, don't bully Yang Ning like this!"

  【Tina Xiaoshenjing】: "Yang Ning was unwell and couldn't attend. It's understandable that the producer asked someone else to do it?"

  [I'm from Paida Star]: "The current marketing account is like the wind and the rain. The parties all say that it is a cooperative relationship, and they are forced to assign CPs. In order to point traffic, there is no lower limit."

  【Sister Steamed Bun】: "But the little sister is really good-looking, cold and friendly, and the facial features are very recognizable. Looking forward to the drama version of Ying Xuan'er, I think I'm about to bend... [lust]"

   Yang Ning was sitting in his living room when he saw the hot searches for related entries.

  The Internet is full of remarks boasting that Tang Li and Guan Xiaodeng are right. Except for her fans, few netizens care about her absence tonight.

The result of    was different from what she thought at first.

  Yang Ning stared at the dynamic picture of Guan Xiao pulling Tang Li's hand into the arena, unable to suppress his irritability, he slammed the tablet on the sofa.

"I told you not to push the awards ceremony tonight." Chen Guangxi picked up the tablet and read the news on the top, then looked at Yang Ning and sighed, "Now, it's not good for you except to make her stand out. This may offend Jiahua Film and Television."

   (end of this chapter)

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