After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 256: big bear boy in middle school

   Chapter 256 The big bear boy in the second

"Hey, wait!" Fu Si hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab Tang Li's elbow, and looked up and down at Tang Li's clothes. Inside the light blue mid-length down jacket was a high-end tube top dress, and he was a little sour. "Are you doing an interview with that Guan Xiao?"

  Tang Li did not deny it: "I came here tonight to promote the drama version of "Original Sin". If I leave without saying goodbye, I can't explain it to the company when I go back."

   Hearing the words, Fu Si let go of her: "...Well then, you go first."

Tang Li stepped on the steps, turned around again, and saw Fu Si's red eyes, and seeing that his clothes were not thick enough, he couldn't help but exhort: "Go back and drive slowly, pay attention to safety, and let the nanny give it to you when you get home. Make a cup of **** tea, don't catch a cold."

   Since her rebirth, she has treated most people coldly.

   Maybe it was her past life experience that made her reserve whatever she did, and subconsciously, she resisted the old way of her previous life—giving too much, but ended up being constantly hurt.

Although Fu Si is a little bit of a middle schooler and a bit of a bear, Tang Li can see that he has no bad intentions, and the two had a bit of an intersection before. After all, people's hearts are not made of stones. It was inevitable that I felt a little moved in my heart, so my attitude towards Fu Si was much better than usual.

   In her eyes, boys like Fu Si are like the big bear children who lead the house next door, and they may be more disgusted by cats and dogs than Song Jingtian, who is seven or eight years old.

   Seeing that Tang Li suddenly cared about him, Fu Si was a little unaccustomed to it: "I didn't mean to be interviewed, why are you still talking to me here?"

  Tang Li pursed his lips and smiled: "Then be careful on the road."

Back in the backstage lounge, Guan Xiao had finished awarding the awards, and the two were interviewed by a certain media. Because it was a special interview scheduled by Jiahua Film and Television in advance, although Yang Ning was not there, he was on the two most popular searches today. The parties sit together, making the interview more topical.

  Tang Li didn't want to have a "love affair" with Guan Xiao, so throughout the interview, when asked about the news on the Internet, she did not deliberately be ambiguous. This calmness also made the reporter who interviewed her gentler when asking questions.

  The interview is over, it's almost ten o'clock in the evening.

   Yu Sui on the side had already given him a down jacket. Guan Xiao had other itineraries. Tang Li said goodbye to him and left the award ceremony first.

   The nanny car who was in charge of picking up Tang Li was waiting in the parking lot.

   After coming out of the lounge, Tang Li saw Fu Si squatting in the aisle playing with his mobile phone to pass the time.

   Fu Si suddenly noticed something, turned his head to look over, and finally waited for someone, he stood up and hid his phone back in his pocket: "Can you go now?"

   "How did you get in?"

   "Just a few words with the security guard, he saw me as a good person and let me in."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Fu Si has already pulled her left wrist: "It's not too late, it's just right to have supper now, and then I'll take you back to school."

   While speaking, Tang Li was taken out of the Olympic Sports Center.

   Fu Si noticed Yu Sui's existence and frowned slightly: "Why does she keep following you?"

   "She's my assistant, who doesn't follow me?"

   Fu Si was dumbfounded.

  Tang Li turned back and told Yu Sui: "Let the driver take you back to school first, and I'll be back later."

   Hearing this, the villain in Fu Si danced a ballet.

   Waiting for Yu Sui to leave, Tang Li retracted his gaze and looked at Fu Si who was stuck there like a telephone pole: "I'm not going to have supper, let's go."

   (end of this chapter)

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