After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 258: My uncle they are playing cards next door

   Chapter 258 My uncle and the others are playing cards next door

  Tang Li stood up: "Then what about you? Are you here to invite me for a late night snack, or are you here to tell me that Guan Xiao is not a qualified person?"

   "Of course I'm inviting you to a late-night snack!" Fu Si took out the locomotive key and defended himself: "Don't I care about you, so I remind you a few words by the way, I don't say anything to ordinary people."

After confirming that Tang Li was really not confused by the surname Guan, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he was concerned about Tang Li's emotions, without showing any joy, he straddled the locomotive, and turned his head again: "To be honest, that surnamed Guan is really I don't deserve you."

"I'm not an immortal, why can't I be worthy of others?" Thinking of Guan Xiao's care for him after he entered the industry, Tang Li interrupted Fu Si's words: "People are regarded as emperors, if you really want to talk about it, I am worthy If I don't like him, there are so many more beautiful actresses than me, and people don't necessarily like me."

   Fu Si frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "Have you slandered yourself so much?"

   "That's better than slandering others."

  "..." Fu Si.

  Tang Li put on his helmet: "Besides, I'm telling the truth."

   This sentence successfully blocked the mouth of a big bear boy.

The place where Fu Si took Tang Li to eat seafood was a hotel similar to Jiangnan Garden in the eastern suburbs of the capital. The motorcycle was parked outside the villa. The two walked to the gate. Fu Si took out a membership card and gave it to the security guard, who confirmed it. Then they were allowed in.

"This card belongs to my dad." Fu Si showed the card to Tang Li, and he said it like a big money: "It took him a long time to agree to lend me two days, but if you like it, we can do it another day. Come again."

   Entered the villa, and a waiter specially led the way for them.

Even in the middle of the night, Tang Li looked around, the road paved with bluestone, a row of lanterns on the side of the road, a row of dim yellow, shrouded in warm light, the stone arch bridge, and the trees like weeping willows, full of greenery. Elegant and quiet, showing the charm of Jiangnan.

   Fu Si said: "Many rich people and officials like to come here."

Tang Li followed him into the Hui-style building next to the pool, with white walls and grey tiles, which reminded her of Guangyuan Temple. Although it is not as old as Guangyuan Temple, the two have the same effect, and are far away from the hustle and bustle of the world. , being in it is enough to calm people's impetuous mood.

   "Hurry up." Fu Si urged.

   said, he pulled Tang Li's right hand: "If you continue to linger, the sky should light up."

  Tang Li subconsciously wanted to draw his hand.

   Fu Si didn't let it go: "It's a little dark in front, let me hold you."

"..." Looking at Fu Si's nervous and shy appearance, Tang Li thought of "the stupid son of the landlord's family". Although she only lived to 26 years old in her previous life, she already regarded Fu Si as a junior, just like her aunt and nephew. .

  Tang Li is not a person with insensitive feelings, more or less aware that Fu Si has put some kind of feeling in himself, saying that he likes it, but it is not entirely true.

   "How are your palms slippery?"

   Walking to the door of the private room, Fu Si suddenly asked.

  Tang Li didn't hide it from him: "I caught a snake in the lounge just now."

   Fu Si: "…"

   "Speaking of which, I haven't washed my hands yet." Before Tang Li could finish speaking, Fu Si had let go of her. He pursed his lips pretending to be calm, and then said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

   After saying that, the figure that ran out was like a bolt of lightning.

  Tang Li turned his head and asked the waiter, "Is there no toilet in the private room?"

   "Yes." The waiter said hesitantly.

  Tang Li glanced at his right hand and smiled at the waiter: "Then I'll go wash my hands first."

   After about 15 minutes, Fu Siyou came back leisurely.

   Entering the private room, he hesitated for a while, but chose to pull away the chair beside Tang Li, and said, "My uncle and the others are playing cards next door."

   (end of this chapter)

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