Chapter 272 The most suitable heroine

   Last night, when Qi Liang appeared in the backstage, Tang Li was also surprised. Now that Wu Xuehan said this, she was relieved of her confusion.

Qi Liang wanted to find a raw face on the big screen to play the heroine of "Operation Mi Sa River", but he was not worried about being a complete newcomer. In this way, the range of choices was narrowed, and only young female artists who were filming TV series were available. Choose an appropriate one.

   In the last life, Xi He played the heroine of "Misuo River Action" in the end.

  Tang Li himself analyzed the reasons.

In the two-hour movie, there were not many scenes of Xi He. Zhang Qifeng and other actors who played special police went to the Mi Suo River to participate in the filming. All the actors did not include Xi He. Wearing a neat police uniform.

   "Misuohe Action" is Qi Liang's work. It stands to reason that even if Li Yuaner is pushed away, many other newcomers in the entertainment industry will flock to her.

  After all, no one wants to miss a red opportunity.

   But when the filming started, the heroine of "Operation Mi Suo River" was still unattended.

  Combining these, Tang Li can only attribute the reason why no actresses are willing to play "Maratha" to the too harsh environment of Mi Suohe.

According to the memory of the previous life, after the movie was released, Tang Li watched the tidbits and documentaries of "Operation Misu River". A photographer was bitten by a poisonous insect in the woods of Misu River. If the local people hadn't rescued them in time, the photographer would have to Facing partial amputation of left foot.

  The pictures in the movie are all shot in real scenes, especially in the scene of Mi Sa River, the danger level has skyrocketed. It can be said that the cast and crew are taking their lives to film this scene.

   "I'm curious who he has a crush on." Wu Xuehan pursed his lips: "Our Ali is so good, he doesn't want it, it's hard to find a fairy!"

Tang Li smiled and put the towel over her head: "A director chooses an actor. Often, it is not whether the actor is beautiful or not, but whether the actor is suitable for the role. Of course, there are directors who are seduced by beauty, but it cannot be said to be 100%. ."

   "He treats you like that, and you say good things for him."

   "I'm just telling the truth."

  Tang Li added: "I have watched all the films made by Qi Liang before, and I can only say that he is indeed an excellent director. Although it is not enough to support the box office, the ratings on Dou Miao are well deserved."

   "Have you watched all my movies?" A male voice cut in suddenly.

  Tang Li turned his head.

   At the door of the dormitory, the hidden door has been pushed open.

   The Pentecostal man standing by the door with his hands behind his back is not Qi Liang?

Tang Li looked at Feng Qi, who was behind Qi Liang, and didn't know what was going on. Feng Qi followed Qi Liang in and took the initiative to explain: "Director Qi came to IMG this morning, and we had a good chat. Director Qi had a good relationship with you before. Misunderstanding, he thinks that you should not be judged on the surface that you are not suitable for the role of Maratha."

   "So what?" Tang Li asked.

   Feng Qi turned to look at Qi Liang.

Qi Liang's expression was a little uncomfortable, but he still opened his mouth: "As your agent said, I made the worst mistake as a director before, and when I saw you in the backstage break last night, I immediately I know you're the Maratha I'm looking for."

"Fuck!" Wu Xuehan suddenly rushed out and blocked in front of Tang Li like a calf: "If you say yes, then no, you have the final say, we Li are now the little flowers of the entertainment industry, and the film contract starts from From this year to the end of next year, it’s really not someone who can get it if they want!”

  Tang Li: "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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