After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 276: Congratulations on your official debut

   Chapter 276 Congratulations on your official debut

   Walking to the door, Qi Liang suddenly remembered something, turned around and told Tang Li: "By the way, ask your roommate, I have a role here. If she is interested, you can bring her over tomorrow."

  Tang Li was slightly surprised.

   After all, Wu Xuehan never made a movie of Qi Liang in his last life.

Seeing that she didn't seem to believe it, Qi Liang added, "I see your roommate is close to that role, and I just haven't found anyone else yet, so let her try it first, if it doesn't work, I won't stay because of you. A meal eater."

   After talking, the two walked out of the dormitory.

  Feng Qi was still standing by the window at the end of the aisle on the phone.

   Seeing that they had reached an agreement, Feng Qi put away his phone and walked over.

Tang Li is confirmed to appear in "Operation Mi Suo River", Feng Qi is the agent, and the filming of "Operation Mi Su River" is about to start, he must draw up a contract with Qi Liang as soon as possible, Tang Li does not need to go to IMG headquarters for the time being, only responsible for delivery people.

   Before getting into the car, Feng Qi stopped and said some words of encouragement to Tang Li.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, and you have already taken the first step, just like a toddler, it will only get better and better in the future. I asked Director Qi, the crew originally planned to delay the filming for half a month, and now they have decided on a good female lead. The progress will not be changed, and it is estimated that we will go to southern Yunnan next week.”

   For Tang Li, this itinerary was a bit rushed.

   She hadn't even studied the script.

   However, it is impossible for the script to delay the boot time for her.

  Tang Li nodded in response: "I will make good preparations these few days."

   Watching the car leave, Tang Li thought that he didn't have a storage bag yet. Tang Li didn't plan to shop online. Since he had already gone downstairs, he simply took his small wallet and went to the "commercial street" in the school.

  Tang Li bought a storage bag and came out. When he walked to the intersection, there was a brown car parked not far ahead.

  The rear door of the sedan opened, and a girl in a creamy white coat came down.

   Almost at a glance, Tang Li recognized Jiang Yining.

Jiang Yining is wearing dark snow boots, a simple and elegant coat with a red scarf, long straight black hair that falls softly on her shoulders, pure facial features, light pink lips, no matter her dress or temperament, she is the most popular pure school flower on the Internet today. wind.

   After getting off the car, Jiang Yining was still standing there, a man's hand stretched out from the car, carrying a small pink square bag for women in his hand.

   Jiang Yining's cheeks were slightly red, and then he took it.

   Tang Li looked at the man's dark-skinned hand, which reminded her of tree bark. The man sitting in the back row of the car was already a little old. I'm afraid he should be fifty if not sixty.

   Then, the car sped away.

  How could Jiang Yining get on with such a rich old man? Tang Li is not interested, he is too busy with his own affairs, how can he have the leisure to take care of others?

Just as he was about to cross the road, Jiang Yining saw her, walked straight over, and glanced at Tang Li's hand: "Ali, are you here to buy a storage bag?" As she spoke, she looked over with a bit of sympathy: "Yes With Ali, the heroine of "Martial God" has been confirmed, it's Li Yuan'er, I thought it was..."

   "But don't be sad, Li, there will be more opportunities in the future."

   Tang Li heard the words, looked at Jiang Yining and smiled: "I haven't congratulated you on your official debut yet."

"Actually, I didn't expect it." Jiang Yining held the bag in both hands, full of helplessness: "The hot search on the Internet caused me a lot of trouble a few days ago, because Ling Huanhuan, there are not thousands or hundreds of people who scolded me in private messages. , Who knows, there will be Fenghua staff calling me today."

   (end of this chapter)

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