After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 285: Suitable for marrying home as a daughter-in-law

   Chapter 285 Suitable for marrying home as a daughter-in-law

   Whether it is Han Jifeng or Qin Yueru, they are people she doesn't want to see again in her life. Apart from hatred and resentment, Tang Li doesn't seem to have any more feelings for the Han family.

   Facing Qin Yueru, she thought of the bullet that penetrated her brain again.

   That sense of impending death was surging in my heart.

Sometimes, Tang Li would also wonder, if Qin Yueru hadn't shown that she liked her so much in her previous life, and hadn't constantly mentioned Han Jifeng, who "isn't looking for a partner for her work" in front of her, would she not have some kind of indifference towards Han Jifeng? Actual fantasy, until the end, in that marriage that is worse than a scam?

   But there are some things, and she knows better not to put the blame on others.

   It was her own decision to marry Han Jifeng in the end. Even if Qin Yueru hid something from her at the beginning, she still had the right to choose.

   Even if he understood this in his heart, Tang Li still couldn't let go of Qin Yueru's kind face now.

Because she remembered that after Han Jifeng's derailment, Qin Yueru chose to remain silent after seeing her suffering. After she was seriously burned, Qin Yueru came to see her with bone soup every day, but she never blamed Han Jifeng, and even acquiesced in his relationship with Li Shengxia. cohabitation.

   Even if the son is really at fault, as a mother, one heart will not be biased towards the daughter-in-law.

   "Not feeling well?" Seeing Tang Li's pale face, Qin Yueru's face showed concern, "The temperature has dropped a lot these days, is it freezing?"

   said, Qin Yueru was going to touch her forehead.

   "...No." Tang Li avoided Qin Yueru's outstretched hand without a trace, suppressing the discomfort in his heart: "I was thinking about something just now, but I didn't notice you coming."

Qin Yueru smiled slightly: "I just came in too, it's almost New Year's Eve, my little sister and I came to buy something, Jifeng has been busy with work recently, so my old woman can only come out to clean up the New Year's goods. Speaking of which, you haven't seen it for a long time. I."

  Tang Li smiled: "You are not in good health, it is not suitable for me to bother you all the time."

   "How could it be disturbing." Qin Yueru's voice was soft: "I'm the only one at home, you can come over and talk to me."

Speaking of this, Qin Yueru remembered something, and looked at Tang Li kindly: "Did you receive the doll that Jifeng brought back from a business trip last time? I heard Jifeng mention that there is a series of dolls, if you like it. , go back and ask Jifeng to order a few more for you."

"No need." Compared with Qin Yueru's close tone, Tang Li's attitude was polite, but also alienated: "I haven't collected dolls' preferences, and it's not convenient to keep them in the dormitory. My classmates are still waiting for me, It's gone first."

   Qin Yueru won't keep her after hearing it.

  Tang Li returned to the table where Wu Xuehan and the others were at the corner. His expression did not improve. Wu Xue asked worriedly, "Ali, what's the matter with you?"

   "It's fine." Having said that, Tang Li then went to the bathroom.

   As soon as she closed the compartment door, she couldn't help retching.

  —is a reaction to nervous tension.

   She squatted in front of the toilet and took a long time to adjust her emotions.

When Tang Li returned to her position, Qin Yueru had just ordered something good with her friend. She looked up and saw Tang Li who was not far away. She couldn't help but take a second look. The friend followed and joked after seeing Tang Li, "This girl looks clean, Condition looks good.”

   This "condition" refers to height and body type.

   Qin Yueru smiled lightly and put down the cup in her hand: "It's really good, suitable for marrying home as a daughter-in-law."

   Mr. Song, if you are not rough, I can't help you! _(:з」∠)_



   (end of this chapter)

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