After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 287: To test whether he has unforgettable old love for her

  Chapter 287 To test whether his old love for her is unforgettable

  As a mother, you naturally put your son first in everything.

   Qin Yueru took a sip of barley tea, and not long after she noticed that the people at Tang Li's table got up and left, and it was half an hour later when Han Jifeng came to pick her up.

   On the way back, Qin Yueru suddenly said, "I just met Tang Li."

  Han Jifeng drove the car intently.

   didn't seem to respond, but Qin Yueru saw out of the corner of his eye that he was holding the steering wheel slightly harder.

"She's out for dinner with her classmates." Qin Yueru said, "I haven't seen her for a few months. I think she's more sensible than before. I actually like this girl. Although she's still in school, if you think it's suitable, you can deal with her first. place."

   This suggestion was not rejected by Han Jifeng.

Qin Yueru felt that there was drama, and smiled heartily: "You are so busy at work now, if you are an ordinary girl, you may not be able to understand you, but A Li is a well-behaved girl with a good temperament and a smart person, so I won't give you anything. What trouble does it bring."

   said, Qin Yueru turned her head to look at the road ahead, her eyes were a little distant: "I'm not in good health, and you are often away from home. If you can get married earlier, there will be someone at home to talk to me."

   After a while, Han Jifeng suddenly asked, "Do you really like her?"

   "I like useless, mainly because you like it."

  Qin Yueru said: "My wife is married to live with you, not me. If you think Li is good, then try to get along with her. It is not necessary to get married. If it is not suitable, it is normal for you to be separated."

   Along the way, Han Jifeng stopped talking.

   Back at Han's house, he took the car key and went directly to the bedroom.

   closed the door with his backhand, took off his coat and sat beside the bed, but his eyes were attracted by the documents on the table. It was a copy of the materials he reported to Xia Zhengguo, which he also took from a section chief of the Ministry of Justice.

   - In a few days, Xia Zhengguo will be officially dismissed.

  Han Jifeng's upper body leaned forward, his arms and elbows resting on his legs intertwined. In his mind, he recalled those fragmented dream fragments.

If it is said that he only thought that he had a long dream at first, after he obtained the evidence of Xia Zhengguo's corruption, the scene in the dream became more real, if all of these dreams he dreamed will happen in the future, he now counts What kind of existence?

Qin Yueru mentioned Tang Li in the car. He thought of the woman who was locked by the kidnapper's neck with her arms and a pistol pointed at her temple. Her left leg was somewhat inconvenient, and her hands holding the kidnapper's wrist were covered with burns. of scars.

   He stood on the rooftop with a cold wind and a grim expression. Hearing the conditions put forward by the kidnappers, he rushed to the rooftop opposite and gave a "shoot" code.

The    bullet did not kill the kidnapper, but penetrated the head of the hostage held by the kidnapper.

  Han Jifeng raised his hand and rubbed his face.

   In that dream, he never thought about letting the special police kill Tang Li on purpose. It was just an accident, but this accident also became his inner demon.

   The phone vibrated in the silent bedroom.

   He saw that it was Li Shengxia's message.

  [My wedding with Qin Yansheng, will you come? ]

Opening the circle of friends, Li Shengxia posted a comment five minutes ago, it was a bunch of photos of Triangel (angel of fate) porcelain dolls, accompanied by a monologue: "I feel more and more that it is the easiest time to be a student, but I miss it but can't go back. ."

  Han Jifeng did not reply to the message. According to the development in the dream, Li Shengxia and Qin Yansheng did not get married until two years later. The text message sent now is just a test.

  ——Test whether he has unforgettable old love for her.

   In this life, Mr. Song will not be so short-lived.

   But something in the past life needs to be revealed through Han Jifeng, yes, he exists to act as a manual, plus Mr. Song's rival in love _(:з"∠)_



   (end of this chapter)

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