Chapter 401 Can love be easily spoken?

   In her ear, there was a sigh in the man's voice: "Can love be easily spoken?"

   "I'm afraid I won't tell you, you don't know." Tang Li explained: "You don't know, you think I will end this relationship at any time, which is not conducive to the warming of the relationship."

   "You still want to warm up your feelings at this time?"

  Tang Li said: "Actually, I want to express my gratitude."

   Thinking of Yu Sui in the conference room, her heart became heavy again: "Without you, I don't know how to deal with this matter reasonably, because I don't know what those people's intentions are, at least for now, I don't have to worry anymore."

  Song Boyan hugged her and didn't speak any more.

   Late at night, the doctor rescued Yu Sui.

   But Yu Sui was still in a coma.

"I won't wake up until tomorrow at the earliest." Dr. Liang took off her mask: "The amount of drugs she was injected was probably relatively high, and even if the amount was not large, she would experience shock. You will be addicted to drugs, you can rest assured, the next step is to take care of yourself.”

   These words were reported by Dr. Liang to Song Boyan.

   Confirmed that his life was fine, Yu Sui was transferred to the upstairs guest room.

  Tang Li went to see her for the first time.

  In the study, Dr. Liang sat on the sofa and told Song Boyan opposite: "When the other party was injecting, the dose was well controlled, and he did not intend to kill anyone.

Before the    person was sent over, first aid measures were taken, even if it was not very standardized, it had a certain effect, at least slowing down the flow of drugs in the veins. "

  It is self-evident who did the first aid measures.

   Apart from Tang Li, Song Boyan couldn't think of anyone else.

   Just like saving him back then, she seems to be quite lucky in this regard.

  Before Dr. Liang left, Song Boyan explained, "It's as if nothing happened tonight. You're here to check on my body, and your assistants should keep your mouth shut."

   for a long time.

  Song Boyan walked to the desk, picked up the landline and dialed an internal line.

  Jiming came quickly.

   "Tomorrow morning, let Yuan Qin come to see me."

   Hearing this, Ji Ming looked at Song Boyan.

Song Baiyan stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back. Ji Ming could not see the expression of his husband, but his heart was already turbulent. Yuan Qin was trained by Song Baiyan. He came to the villa.

  Song Boyan stayed in Tan Palace, no accident, Yuan Qin was going to enter the Secret Service.

  But now—

  Jiming thought of what happened tonight.

   He has followed Song Boyan for many years, and Ji Ming understands Song Boyan's behavior more or less. When it comes to using Yuan Qin, it shows that it is more serious.

   But this matter is actually only related to Miss Tang.

"It's the same for me to check." Ji Ming said, "You don't have to use Yuan Qin for this kind of thing. On the way, I asked Miss Tang about the situation. When I turned back, I went to my friends at the city bureau. I wanted to find a few people. It's easy to say. It’s not easy, and it’s not difficult to say that it’s hard to get anywhere.”

  Song Boyan turned around: "You go to investigate this matter. As for Yuan Qin, I have other things for him to do."

   Suddenly, Ji Ming guessed a possibility.

   "Do you want Yuan Qin to be a bodyguard for Miss Tang?"

   After all, he couldn't hold his breath.

  Song Boyan did not deny it, but continued to instruct: "Let Yuan Qin tentatively decide on the work in his hand. How to do it will be discussed after he arrives tomorrow."

  "..." Ji Ming felt that it was not worth it.

   "Yuan Qin is reserved for you. It would be overkill for you to ask him to be a bodyguard for others, or change to a retired soldier."

   Song Boyan said, "Apart from Yuan Qin, I can't think of any other reliable person for the time being."

   (end of this chapter)

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