After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 422: This age is the most thoughtful

   Chapter 422 This age is the most thoughtful

   A 21-year-old was treated as a younger brother by a girl under 20, and Fu Si felt the deep malice of this world.

  Before Tang Li could say something like "Why don't you be my brother", he hurriedly ran away and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

On the way back to the dormitory, Tang Li thought about Fu Si's confession. In his past life, he had lived for more than 20 years, and no boy had ever said he liked her, especially in school. Perhaps because of her withdrawn expression, the boys in the class Didn't take the initiative to speak to her.

  Compared to her previous life, she has a feeling of spring blossoms in this life.

   Most of the time, your personality determines how others treat you.

  As soon as Tang Li walked into the dormitory, Wu Xuehan came up and said, "Did Fu Si confess to you?"


   Seeing Tang Li's gaze, Wu Xuehan knew that she guessed correctly, grinned, and said, "Yu Sui guessed it. She has a partner and has experience in this area."

   said, she followed Tang Li like a small tail: "Then have you promised him?"

   "We are not suitable." Tang Li said.

   "I think you guys are a good match."

Wu Xuehan analyzed: "Fu Si's family is in good condition, you are with him, and no one will bully you in the entertainment industry in the future. If you can marry him and you don't want to act in the future, you can be a rich wife at home with peace of mind. If you have two or three children, your life should not be too complete."

   "He doesn't have the same feelings for me as a man and a woman, but because I can restrain him, he interprets this suppression as a liking, and he will understand when he is older."

   "Besides." Tang Li paused and continued, "The kind of life you're talking about is not what I want."

   She was a housewife enough in her previous life, and she doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes in this life.

  The closed married life, except that she lost herself and gradually derailed from this society, she did not learn anything.

   "Maybe I won't be an actor for the rest of my life. My goal now is to become a national first-class actor. When I get to a certain age, I will choose to change careers, maybe become a teacher at a film and television academy, or learn to invest in business."

   Wu Xuehan was taken aback for a while: "Ali, you think so far."

   "Just set a goal first."

   Tang Li said, looked around in the dormitory, but couldn't find Yu Sui.

   "Yu Sui's boyfriend just came over, they should go on a date." Wu Xuehan added: "Yu Sui told me that the two of them grew up together and would get married after graduation."

   Hearing the words, Tang Li stopped drinking water.

   She remembered the past life.

  If Yu Sui's boyfriend was her husband, then they ended up divorced. After Yu Sui's father had an accident, her in-laws not only didn't help, they just abandoned her and went out.

Although the husband and wife were originally in the same forest, and the disaster was imminent, Tang Li did not agree with this eagerness to clear the relationship. If they really loved each other, how could they leave when the other party was in trouble? It can only show that their marriage It is based on profit.

   When Wu Xuehan went to take a bath, Tang Li took out his new mobile phone and dialed Song Boyan.

   No one answered the phone.

   received Song Boyan's call back half an hour later.

  Tang Li answered the phone but didn't speak immediately. After being questioned by Song Boyan, she said slowly: "Tonight, a boy confessed to me."

  Song Boyan's voice seemed to have a smile: "It's not surprising, whether it's a boy or a girl, this age is the most thoughtful."

   Around ten o'clock, two more chapters, group?



   (end of this chapter)

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