After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 435: Ali is more afraid of life?

   Chapter 435 Is Ali more afraid of life?

  Because of problems in the script, the filming of "Concubine Huang", which was originally scheduled to start in early April, did not go to Lishan Film and Television City until mid-to-late April.

  Tang Li is not the most important female character, just join the group a few days before the end of the month.

  On April 21st, the new issue of "XL" was officially released.

The cover photo of   Tang Li and Deng Xian's group photo was on the hot search on various platforms that day.

In the photo, Tang Li is an androgynous beauty, and the neutral dress will not be too harsh, especially in the contrast of Deng Xian, the thin but delicate temperament on her body is more and more prominent, holding a white ceramic cup in both hands, facing the When the camera, those smiling eyes seem to speak.

  Other photos in the magazine were once forwarded by netizens.

   Compared with Deng Xian, Tang Li has attracted more attention because of this cooperation.

   However, there are certain drawbacks.

   In recent months, Tang Li has been brought to the hot search a lot of times, although it is not her original intention, it is inevitable that she will lose a reputation for "loving hype".

  Before this voice spread, Feng Qi pushed down all announcements for Tang Li to reduce her short-term exposure.

Before joining the group, Tang Li continued to receive course training.

   There was a driver to pick up and drop off, and Yuan Qin followed, and there was no more incident like being surrounded that night.

   On the evening of April 24, Li Wenyan came to the Academy of Arts again.

   This time, Ouyang Qian and Li Shengxia were also accompanied.

Tang Li received a call from the counselor and was on her way back to school. The car was parked downstairs in the administration building. She said goodbye to the driver and Yuan Qin, then went upstairs alone and walked to the door of the counselor's office. She saw Li Wenyan's family. There is also a middle-aged couple sitting on the side.

   Gao Shengyan saw Tang Li, smiled and waved: "Come in, I'm talking to your uncle about your performance in school."

   "Ali is here?" Li Shengxia had already stood up.

As if to prevent Tang Li from turning around and leaving, she took the lead to walk to the door, took Tang Li's hand, turned her head and said with a smile to Gao Shengyan: "Ali is shy at home, she never tells us about her situation at school, and she is very strong. , She didn't move the sponsorship fee she paid her earlier, saying that she wanted to fight by herself."

   "Let's not say anything else, Tang Li is indeed a rare good seedling in their class." Gao Shengyan nodded, and her eyes fell on Tang Li with admiration.

  Tang Li only looked at Li Wenyan, and the corners of his lips curved slightly: "Uncle is so busy, why do you have time to bring aunt and eldest sister to my school?"

  Li Wenyan didn't answer, the middle-aged woman next to him spoke first: "Is this Li?"

   Hearing this, Tang Li looked over.

   It is the tone of the other party that is full of joy, making people unable to ignore it.

   In her memory, she had never seen the couple, but she could see that they were familiar with the Li Wenyan family.

   "This is Aunt Tang." Li Shengxia introduced: "They live abroad all the year round, and only returned to China yesterday afternoon."

   said, she smiled at the middle-aged woman: "Ali is more afraid of life, don't take it offend auntie."

   The middle-aged woman pursed her lips and smiled. Even when she was talking to Li Shengxia, she didn't leave Tang Li out of the corner of her eye: "Ali looks so cute, and seeing him now, it suits me and your cousin!"

  Li Wenyan got up and said goodbye to Gao Shengyan: "Since we found A Li's person, let's take her back first."

   "That's it." Gao Shengyan got up with a smile, ready to give it away.

   In the office, Tang Li couldn't say anything.

  Li's family also expected this, so they called her over in the name of the counselor.

   Going downstairs, Tang Li parted ways with the Li family in the hall.

   (end of this chapter)

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