After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 437: Tell Mr. Song the story of the ugly duckling

   Chapter 437 Tell Mr. Song the story of the ugly duckling

   "You didn't participate in my past life, and you won't need it in the future."

Tang Li said, and then turned his attention to Li Wenyan: "Also, instead of worrying about me causing trouble and rushing to put me out, it is better to take care of the women in your family, they will have less trouble, so you don't have to worry so much. "

  Li Wenyan saw that she was leaving, and suddenly said: "Your sister was involved in the drug business, did you do it?"

  Tang Li smiled: "Isn't her good cousin doing it?"

Li Wenyan's blue veins bulged, and Tang Li said, "Ouyang Hua found someone to surround me, but he mistook my classmate for me. My classmate's body has not recovered yet, and I still don't understand why he suddenly Against me?"

Having said this, Tang Li paused for a moment: "You have never cared about me in the past two years. Every time you see me, it is only a reprimand. As long as I stand in front of you, it is a mistake. You want to adopt me. Others say it's for my own good, but when you stand here, you didn't ask me if I was doing well at school, and did I feel wronged when I was filming in the crew."

   "My father's name is Li Wenyan, I never thought it was an honor."

   "Just like you think me and my mother are your stains, you are the part of me that I desperately try to hide.

Your family of five should just enjoy the happiness of the family, and don't interfere in my affairs. It really makes me unhappy. Maybe one day I will want to go back to the Li family on a whim. They are also the children of the Li family. There is no reason for you and the other two. If my daughter can be Miss Li's family, I should be able to survive, don't you think? "

   Before Li Wenyan got angry, Tang Li turned around and left.

   Along the way, she never looked back.

   Standing at the fork in the road, Tang Li stopped.

  Knowing that this family love is cold and thin, it still feels like a hole has been cut open in my heart, and countless cold winds are poured into it.

  Whether it was in the past life or this life, what she got from the Li family was always only hurt.

  Tang Li walked to Wentan Garden, but did not swipe his card to enter immediately.

   She paced to a public bench by the roadside.

   Then, take out the phone from the bag.

Song Boyan received a call and was sitting in the office discussing matters with the cabinet staff. The phone suddenly vibrated on the coffee table. He took the phone and saw the caller ID. Telephone.

   Before he could say anything, Tang Li first spoke on the other end of the phone: "I have a fairy tale here, do you want to hear it?"

   "..." Song Boyan turned his head and glanced at the three or five people in the sofa area.

   At the same time, a generous voice sounded: "What story?"

"Once upon a time, there was a little duck, because it was ugly, everyone didn't want to play with it, it was very sad, and thought of suicide, the old goat passing by told it that it was actually the child of a swan, so it was different, the ugly duckling rekindled The desire for life, whether it is ridiculed or bullied, it will live on strong.

  The next spring came, the ducklings were all grown up, they could swim in the river, but the ugly duckling turned into a rooster, and finally drowned in the river, and was picked up by passing farmers and plucked home and made chicken soup. "

  Tang Li finished speaking in one breath, without saying a word.

  Song Boyan opened the door of the office and walked to the aisle: "Have you encountered something unhappy today?"

   "No." Tang Li quickly denied: "I'm very happy, if I'm not happy, how can I still be in the mood to tell you stories."

   (end of this chapter)

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