After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 460: Song Boyan at the bus station

   Chapter 460 Song Boyan who appeared at the bus station

  Tang Li thought of another thing.

  Yesterday, the Li family spent the day in the Lingnan branch from day to night. With Li Wenyan's status, even if they were invited to the city bureau, they would be able to come out soon.

   Now that I think about it, it should have something to do with Ji Ming.

  Ji Ming is a popular man in front of the new president. Even though Li Wenyan's position seems to be higher than him, the person who is really close to the center of power is Ji Ming.

  Because of Ji Ming's care for her, the people who do the errands also watch the dishes.

  Jiming's voice continued to come from the front: "Mr. asked me after knowing it. Now, in addition to official business, Miss Tang's affairs have also been placed in the front by Mr.

   This sentence is like a joke, but also a feeling

  Tang Li listened, and couldn't help but hold the pillow tightly in his arms.

   The next day, Tang Li went to IMG to meet Feng Qi first, and Yuan Qin accompanied him to the bus station in the afternoon.

   As the holidays are approaching, there are long queues outside the waiting hall.

   After passing the security check, Tang Li found a row of chairs near the ticket gate and sat down, and sent Song Boyan a goodbye text message: "Be sure to miss me during my absence. [Goodbye]"

   A few seconds later, Song Boyan sent a reply: "Have you gotten in the car yet?"

  Tang Li never expected that Song Boyan would respond so quickly, she thought he was busy and sent a text message by herself, he might not find out until evening or night.

   Not wanting to take up too much time, Tang Li typed quickly: "Check the ticket in half an hour."

  Successfully sent, she thought about it and re-sent: "If you are busy with work, don't come back."

   Two text messages were sent, but the phone did not vibrate.

  Tang Li was satisfied, let Yuan Qin look after the luggage, and went to the vending machine to buy pure water. After she walked away, Yuan Qin's cell phone rang in less than a minute.

   Seeing the caller ID, he picked it up immediately.

  Tang Li came back with two bottles of pure water, and just sat down, the phone vibrated lightly in his pocket.

   is a text message from Song Boyan: "Let Ji Ming come over and see you off."

   "Now?" Tang Li looked at the time, there were still 17 minutes before the ticket check, and continued to reply: "It will take more than an hour to come to North Station from Tan Gong, so I will definitely not be able to catch up."

   She sent a third text message: "Don't come here."

  Song Boyan replied: "Ji Ming is already on his way."

  Tang Li remembered what he said in his office last night, he asked Ji Ming to come over, is that the reason?

   He said that every time he left the capital, he was always alone, so now, he asked Ji Ming to see her off.

   "Will it be troublesome?" Tang Li asked by typing.

   "Just drive there, no trouble."

   Received a text message again, Tang Li opened the APP to buy a late ticket, but found that the bus to Lishan before 6 p.m. was sold out.

   It's only 10 minutes before the check-in.

  Tang Li stood up from the row of chairs and told Yuan Qin next to him, "I'm going to the toilet."

   After saying that, he hurried out through the crowd.

   She bypassed the bathroom and went to the door of the waiting room.

  Standing in front of the railing next to the security check passage, Tang Li looked out. As the ticket check time approached, she bit the corner of her lip and kept searching the crowd outside, trying to find Ji Ming's figure.

   Suddenly, her body was hit by someone.

   Afraid of disturbing other passengers, Tang Li moved to the side.

   Her eyes were still fixed on the outside.

   "What are you looking for?" A familiar voice came from behind her.

  Tang Li thought it was an auditory hallucination, so he turned around abruptly and saw Song Boyan or who else?

   The two chapters that were badly updated last night will be made up today. One chapter will be updated first. At 8 pm, three chapters in a row will be updated. Let everyone know first~



   (end of this chapter)

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