After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 467: Will your conscience not hurt?

   Chapter 467 Will your conscience not hurt?

In the first case of the drama version of "Original Sin", the actor who played the suspect, although not on the front line like Guan Xiao, is also a well-known actor in China. With the popularity of the TV series, in addition to Guan Xiao and Yang Ning, he played the suspect Ding Qi also became popular on the Internet.

   Three days after the broadcast, because the acting skills of the characters in the play are online, the drama version of "Original Sin" has a score of 7.6 on Dou Miao, plus the lack of face-lifting, it is also praised more than negative on ins.

  On the night of the sixth episode of the TV series, thinking that "Ying Xuan'er" was about to go online, Tang Li ushered in the first sleepless night in recent months.

   After 4 am, Tang Li couldn't sleep, so he just got up and went outside for a run.

   After running around the hotel for a few laps, I finally got tired.

  Tang Li went upstairs and fell asleep.

  Wake up again, about seven in the morning.

When    went to the film and television city, Tang Li was still thinking about the broadcast of the TV series at night. He couldn't help turning his head and asked Yuan Qin, "How do you think my acting skills are?"


   Before Yuan Qin could answer, Tang Li started the hot search list again.

On the    hot search list, some netizens have begun to discuss the drama version of "Ying Xuan'er".

Because Ding Qi got off to a good start, netizens had higher expectations for her, which also led to mixed reviews. Many netizens believed that she was a complete newcomer when she acted in the drama version of "Original Sin". The deficiency is normal, and it is definitely not comparable to a powerful faction like Ding Qi.

   [Chen Xiaochu met]: "As soon as you said, I plan to change the channel tonight. [Picks booger]"

  【Venty】: "It may be weak, but as long as Xiao and Yang Ning are concerned, I can still catch up, and it's a big deal to go to the toilet a few more times in the middle."

  【Coffee C for a Cat】: "Miss and sister's acting skills are alright. I haven't released all the trailers. I'm still looking forward to it."

  Tang Li closed the app and didn't read the comments again.

  ——I am afraid that it will affect the state of filming today.

   Arrived on the set, Tang Li met Li Yuaner in the dressing room.

Li Yuaner was sitting in front of the vanity mirror with her mobile phone in her hand, and when she saw Tang Li come in, she sneered and cast a disdainful glance from the corner of her eye. When Tang Li sat down, she said yin and yang, "Some people buy navy soldiers to hype their acting skills. , the TV series is really broadcast, I guess I'm so worried that I can't sleep."

   Hearing this, Tang Li looked at Li Yuan'er in the mirror, and smiled, "You can't compare to Teacher Li. The first work she participated in was released, and she was still riding on the toilet. She didn't know anything, so she wasn't nervous."

   "You—!" Li Yuan'er was angry.

   Sister Wen hurriedly got up and comforted Li Yuaner: "Take care of your own affairs, what do you care about with irrelevant people?"

  Li Yuan'er heard this, and the anger in her heart instantly went out.

  After Li Yuaner put on her makeup and left, Zhuangniang suddenly opened the drawer, took out a small notebook and handed it to Tang Li, smiling embarrassedly: "Mr. Tang, can you sign my name for me."

   said, makeup girl remembered something: "Tonight, I will be in front of the TV!"

  Tang Li was filming for more than half a year, and it was the first time he was asked for an autograph.

   This mood is very delicate to her.

   It was as if his efforts were recognized.

  Tang Li helped the makeup girl to sign a name, and did not forget to say thank you to the other party, thank the other party for their liking.

  The makeup girl hurriedly waved her hand: "It's me who would like to thank Teacher Tang!"

After Tang Li finished putting on makeup and went out, the makeup girl took out her mobile phone, forwarded the latest news of the drama version of "Original Sin", and commented: "We Tang Tang are beautiful, have a good figure, have acting skills, and people are polite. If you say that she is not good, Will your conscience not hurt?"

   These two are more to make up for the day before yesterday (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

   Then, maybe see you at night~ There will be at least six more nights in the evening, what about the group?



   (end of this chapter)

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