Chapter 469 The Enchanted Mr. Song

   On the phone, Song Boyan's voice was as calm as always, and she could hear her nervousness, and only used the sentence "Life is about constant gains and losses" to calm her ups and downs.

  Tang Li held the phone and couldn't help but ask, "What if I really don't have acting skills?"

   "Then continue to sharpen yourself." As if afraid that she would get into a dead end, Song Boyan said again: "In addition to acting, there are many meaningful things in life, it depends on whether you are willing to dig."

   Hearing the words, Tang Li gradually calmed down.

   After finishing the call, she looked at the TV again, it was already 7:53.

  Song Boyan put away his mobile phone, left the office, and went to the lounge on the second floor of Tan Palace. It happened that Xiao Minglan and Aunt Min were sitting on the sofa chatting and watching TV.

   Out of the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of Song Boyan coming upstairs, Xiao Minglan stopped talking, and then asked, "Are you all done?"

   "It's almost there." Song Boyan said, and sat down on the single sofa.

   Then, I took the remote control of the TV and changed the channel.

Xiao Minglan tilted her head to look at the TV screen. It was no longer the spy war movie, but a modern TV drama. The opening song was being broadcast. Suddenly, she saw a **** the screen. Aunt Min spoke first: " seems to be Miss Tang."

   This time, Xiao Minglan still doesn't understand.

   She turned to look at her eldest son.

  Song Boyan looked as usual, but just reached out and poured himself a cup of tea.

Afterwards, Xiao Minglan picked up the small basket with the needle and thread on the coffee table, greeted Aunt Min to go back to the room, and came out of the lounge, Aunt Min suddenly said: "I haven't seen Mr. fine."

   Xiao Minglan sighed: "Where is he relaxing, I think he is possessed."

The seventh episode of the drama version of "Original Sin" is a new case unit. The audience does not need to be familiar with the characters in the play. After the opening song, the first picture is in a dimly lit bathroom, with the sound of water ticking. , the water continued to overflow the edge of the bathtub, mixed with bright red blood, and spread all the way to the door.

In the next second, the audience did not see the victim in the bathtub as they wished, and the screen switched to the backstage of an opera house. In the cramped dressing room, there were dancers walking in a hurry, with their changed clothes and instructors in their hands. The voice of the voice kept coming: "The makeup artist will go and touch up Wang Juan's eye makeup! And Zhao Xi, why are you still standing there stupidly!"

"You only have ten minutes, hurry up!" The instructor looked at his watch, turned to the dressing table in the corner, saw the back of the girl with a slender figure and a beautiful neckline, and his tone improved: "Xuaner, today's condition How about it?"


   In the picture, the delicate profile of the girl Qing Jun appeared.

   She closed her eyes gently and let Zhuangniang put concealer on her face to cover up the scratches on her chin, and a leisurely voice came: "No matter how bad it is, the performance will never be enough."

After   , when the makeup girl left, the girl opened her eyes.

The    makeup mirror showed a pair of clear but serene eyes, which made people feel confident that tonight's performance was bound to be a success.

   At this moment, the ringtone of the mobile phone came.

   Ying Xuan'er took it and picked it up, the housekeeper's aunt's nervous voice came from the receiver: "Miss, can you go home now? The second lady has an accident. The husband learned that he had a heart attack, and the wife fainted."

  The camera switches again, at the same time Yingjia Villa.

The sound of    police cars resounded throughout the community.

  On the second floor of the villa, the door of a room has been cordoned off.

   Early ten o'clock, two more chapters~



   (end of this chapter)

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