Chapter 479 Who gave you confidence

   The coach saw this and left the platform in a hurry.

Li Yuan'er stared at the surface of the water, Shen Na could swim, but she hasn't floated yet, something must have happened, thinking that Shen Na might die here, her hands and fingers were cold, and at this moment, a figure was silent. approach her.

  Li Yuan'er turned around abruptly and saw Tang Li with a smile on her face.

   At this moment, she felt that what she saw was a demon.

   "You...what do you want to do?" Li Yuaner clenched her hands on the railing. On the platform, the coach and staff had long since disappeared. She wanted to run, but her feet were tied with rubber strips and she couldn't move.

  Tang Li was almost close to her body, the corners of his lips were hooked up, and his eyes were full of interest: "I dare to dance like this. Sure enough, every artist has every kind of assistant, just as stupid as a pig."

   "If Shen Na dies, it will be your fault!" Li Yuan'er's heart beat faster, her pupils dilated: "You pervert, murderer!"

   "Didn't you encourage her to dance?"

  Tang Li curled his lips: "The coach and I both heard it."

   "..." Li Yuan'er swallowed softly, unable to hide the fear in her heart.

   "Why don't you go down and accompany her."

   In one sentence, the blood on Li Yuan'er's face faded.

   Before she could react, Tang Li grabbed her by the back collar, staggered under her feet, and stumbled to the ground, her shoulders and above were all outside the platform.

   "Don't push me! Don't push me!" The strong visual stimulation made her scream.

  Tang Li squatted beside Li Yuaner.

   stretched out his hand and patted Li Yuan'er's pale cheek: "I'm afraid of this? Who gave you the confidence to make you think I would shake hands with you to make peace?"

  Whether it was a previous life or this life, she and Li Yuaner could never be good sisters, just like Li Wenyan could never be a qualified father for her.

  Li Yuan'er was already frightened.

  Tang Li returned to the hotel, seeing that it was still early, he took a nap.

  In the evening, the news of the bungee jumping accident spread all over Lishan City.

   When he heard the relevant news, Tang Li was sitting in the hotel restaurant having dinner. On the table next to him, two middle-aged aunts were chatting hotly.

"I heard that the rope snapped in mid-air and broke!" One of the aunts said while gesturing: "The platform is so high that people fell into the river and were immediately washed away, and rescuers took them out. Didn't get it in half an hour."

   "Did he finally die?"

   Yuan Qin heard the words and looked up at Tang Li opposite.

  Tang Li continued to eat fried rice, his expression was beyond normal.

Next door, the aunt's voice came again: "Not dead, but seriously injured, the little girl was lucky enough to say that the bungee rope was hung on the rocks in the river, and she could swim again, although her feet were Tied up, and finally leaned on a stone to support the rescuers. After being rescued, the blood that was coughed up was a basin."

   At the same time, the Li family's landline phone rang.

  Ouyang Qian got up to answer the phone.

   As soon as she put the receiver to her ear, Li Yuaner's cry of collapse came from the other end. Ouyang Qian was startled and hurriedly asked her little daughter what was wrong.

  After dinner, Tang Li took his coat pockets with both hands and went to run the road.

   Her back is leisurely and content.

   When she saw the stall, she squatted down and looked at it, and found a pair of unique rings. The peddler was sitting on a plastic stool, eating noodles while saying, "Fifty yuan a pair, you can engrave."

   "Twenty." Tang Li countered.

   The hawker glanced at her: "Twenty-five, it can't be lower."

  Tang Li took out two crumpled coin bills from his pocket and handed them over: "By the way, help me engrave a letter, engrave [S] and [T] respectively."

   Yuan Qin behind him: "..."

   Ask for another monthly pass. To thank everyone for your support, we will update it tomorrow morning... two chapters!



   (end of this chapter)

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