Chapter 482 Then wait and see

   In front of the camera, Li Yuan'er's eyes flickered and she tried her best to look calm. However, when she looked at Tang Li, who was graceful and graceful in front of her, her mind buzzed and she forgot all her lines.

   Finally, Zhao Zhenglei called the card!

"What are you doing! Didn't you bring your brains this morning? Where's the lines you've memorized?!" Zhao Zhenglei's merciless reprimands spread throughout the set through the loudspeaker, and under the sun, his temper became more and more hot: "The producer To give you such a high salary is not to invite you to be sculptures!"

   Even without naming names, it was obvious who was scolding.

   The staff looked at Li Yuaner in unison.

   Almost as soon as the director stopped filming, Sister Wen trotted over to Li Yuaner to ask.

   On weekdays, Li Yuaner is indeed more willful, but she will not fail to memorize her lines. Even if there are occasional NGs, this has never happened.

   Sister Wen wiped the sweat for her: "Is there something uncomfortable?"

  Li Yuan'er was a little absent-minded.

   She cast her gaze over, Tang Li was sitting in front of the desk in the hall, taking advantage of the rest, looking down at the script.

   At noon, the sun shines all over the place through the window lattice.

Different from the simple and elegant makeup of Tong Jing, played by Mrs. Qi today, Tang Li's clothing color in the play is mainly red. In terms of makeup, Tang Li does not follow the style of Xiaojiabiyu. It lacks the feminine beauty, but it is very in line with the pet. The concubine's flamboyant temperament.

However, when Tang Li sat there quietly after the play, he was no longer as domineering as Mrs. Bao. The staff wanted to rearrange the fruit snacks on the table and asked Tang Li if he could change his seat. Tang Li cooperatively got up and moved away and rushed over. The other party smiled and said it was okay, and he never showed displeasure because he was "expelled".

   is such a Tang Li, setting her down to the dust!

  Li Yuan'er felt unwilling in her heart, she was clearly a popular little flower, why should she let this illegitimate girl steal the limelight when she was acting as an opponent? !

  This illegitimate daughter, she only got what she is today by relying on private means.

   How could he be inferior to her? !

   After about 15 minutes, the audience was resting.

Tang Li put the script aside, followed the director's instructions, and walked outside the main house, passing by Li Yuan'er who was doing makeup, Li Yuan'er's very low voice came from her ear: "Next time, I won't let it go. You succeed, private, raw, female!"

  Tang Li turned his head, looked at Li Yuaner's hostile and contemptuous eyes, and the corners of his lips curved into a shallow arc: "Then wait and see."

   Hearing this, Li Yuaner almost clenched her teeth.

   The clipboard was closed on the spot, and the actors on the set were too involved in their roles.

  Anan, played by Li Yuaner, was pouring tea at the table, when she heard the door of the main house being pushed open, and saw the maid who filed in, she put down the teapot and immediately stepped forward to stop: "What do you want to do!"

   As soon as she finished speaking, a red figure appeared in her sight.

   This is Mrs. Bao’s first visit to Jiaoyang Palace.

I heard that Jiaoyang Palace was the former emperor's favorite concubine's residence. After the Qi family entered the palace, Zhou Qingdi gave it to the Qi family. Baoxin raised his head and glanced at the main house. She also heard that, A few years ago, Mrs. Qi was the favorite concubine of Emperor Zhou Qing, and she used to have Mrs. Qi standing around in the imperial study, which shows that she was very favored.

   The next moment, Qi's maid stood in front of her: "Get out!"

   Baoxin's brows were raised lightly, and those green but unabated eyes fell on the maid: "Your master hasn't spoken yet, so you are impatient."

   (end of this chapter)

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