After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 486: can do more meaningful things

   Chapter 486 You can do more meaningful things

Until sitting in the long-distance bus, Yu Sui still asked why, "your Ying Xuan'er was very successful, and the role of Mrs. Bao must not be too bad, is the director's eyes covered with shit, why? If you say you change it, you will be replaced?"

   "Maybe... as the director said, my acting is too modern."

Tang Li's answer was very pertinent: "I didn't take formal courses in school, so there must be some flaws in my acting skills. The TV series and movies I made before were all from a modern background, but I suddenly jumped into a costume drama, and I couldn't adapt to it all at once. normal."

   "Since I don't think you are suitable, why are you talking about it now?" Yu Sui pointed out the doubtful place: "It took almost 20 days to shoot.

   said, she turned to look at Tang Li next to her: "You don't doubt that someone deliberately targeted you, so you were removed from the crew?"

  Tang Li took out the blindfold from his bag: "When you encounter a problem, you must examine yourself first, and you can't always look for reasons from others."

   "So, do you really think it's because of your acting skills?"

  Tang Li did not answer this sentence.

   When Zhao Zhenglei said that she was going to be replaced, she had a vague conjecture, but she didn't make it clear. Ouyang Qian came to Lishan yesterday, and today the director said that she was not good at acting, which was too coincidental.

   But this kind of conjecture is unfounded and Tang Li can't tell others casually.

   Even if Zhao Zhenglei really replaced her because of Ouyang Qian, Ouyang Qian must have opened the conditions for Zhao Zhenglei to make this decision.

Tang Li has been in the crew for more than half a month, and he knows Zhao Zhenglei's style to some extent. As netizens said, he and Fan Xin are the only two directors in China who are serious about doing TV dramas. Therefore, it is unlikely that Zhao Zhenglei will collect money in private to kick her out of the crew. It could be that Ouyang Qian invested money in "Concubine Huang".

  For directors, capital is the lifeblood, and it is also the fundamental premise for the excellence of the work.

   On this point, Tang Li is more self-aware.

   Even if her acting skills are impeccable, it is not difficult to find an actor to replace her.

   In the face of greater interests, it is understandable that the crew chose to give up her supporting role.

   As Feng Qi told her on the phone, it is not uncommon in the entertainment industry to change roles in the middle. She is not the first, nor will she be the last.

  Yu Sui was upset for her: "You set aside 3 months for "Concubine Phoenix", and they did this, and the plan was completely disrupted."

   "Actually, you can do more meaningful things."

   "What's more meaningful?"

   Tang Li did not answer her.

  Some things are secrets that cannot be told for the time being.

   At 8:30 in the evening, the long-distance bus pulled into the North Bus Station of the capital.

In the afternoon, a person familiar with the matter broke the news on the forum that "Concubine Huang" was changing roles. In the evening, the official account of "Concubine Huang" released another poster of "Mrs. Bao/Bao Xin", and replied to the comments of netizens, saying The actor who originally played "Mrs. Bao" resigned due to some issues.

   Tang Li just got off the coach when he heard the news.

  ——It was Yu Sui who handed over the phone.

   "Where's your face?" Yu Sui's voice was full of anger: "It's obvious that they replaced you, and now they're putting the pot on your head!"

Because of the replies from the official account of "Concubine Huang", more and more voices of dissatisfaction with Tang Li appeared on the Internet, nothing more than saying that she "inflated when she played Ying Xuan'er", "When she became popular, she began to be picky, and she didn't want to be matched with others. ", "Sure enough, it is the upstart mentality of the 18th-tier actors who want to make money as soon as they become popular."

   (end of this chapter)

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