After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 494: Mr. Song said: The quiet man seeks things out of his wits

  Chapter 494 Mr. Song said: Quiet people use their wits to do things

   Then, Tang Li continued to send text messages: "Something happened tonight, if you see it, don't worry for me, I have a way to deal with it, and I won't suffer."

   At the end of the text message, she added an [OK] emoji.

   Seeing her heartless appearance, Song Boyan laughed. This comparison made him seem unfounded, and he couldn't help sighing for a while.

   Maybe he is really old, and he is not as active as these "young people".

   Just then, the office door was pushed open.

Ji Ming saw his husband standing there and briefly reported the situation: "Several major online platforms have received notices, and they will delete relevant posts and topics one after another. As for Lishan, they will also investigate the bungee jumping accident. Tomorrow morning, the relevant The department will also interview the heads of several social platforms."

  Whether it is a forum or Twitter, at this moment, topics such as [Murder of Tang Li], [Punish the Murderer Tang Li], and [Block Tang Li] are almost all popular.

   "The police have contacted the coach and told him to go to the police station." After speaking, Ji Ming remembered something: "Netizens may go to school to make trouble, sir, do you want me to send someone..."

   Before Ji Ming could finish speaking, Song Boyan turned around and interrupted him: "The interview has been postponed, and the posts and words do not need to be deleted. As for the police, continue to investigate."

   "She is no longer at school. Let Yuan Qin go to her agent's residence tomorrow."

  Ji Ming should go.

   Looking at the pajamas on his husband, Ji Ming hesitated and said, "Sir, rest early, and will visit the UK in a few days, so take care of yourself."

   After Ji Ming left, Song Boyan stayed in the office for a while.

  Tang Li lifted the quilt to go to sleep, when he received a text message: "The quiet person uses his wit to do things, and the dry person uses his courage to do things."

   leaned against the pillow, reciting this sentence in her heart, the light of the screen softened her eyes.

  Li's house in the early morning.

   received a call from Jiang Yuan, Li Wenyan went to the study.

   Knowing what happened on the Internet, he returned to the master bedroom with a dark face. Ouyang Qian was already awake, took the nightgown and put it on: "I'll help you get some supper."

   Li Wenyan suddenly asked: "What's going on online?"

  Ouyang Qian paused when she tied the belt.

"Right now, the whole internet is slamming Tang Li, saying she is a murderer, and someone is digging up her family background." Li Wenyan suppressed her anger, but looked at Ouyang Qian with a grim look: "I heard that she is Yuan'er's agent. Someone recorded a video and identified Tang Li's assistant for murdering Yuan'er."

   "I made them do it."

   met Li Wenyan's eyes, knowing that he was already angry, Ouyang Qian continued: "A Li posted on the Internet, slandering Yuaner for persecuting assistants, as far as I know, she is obviously forcing people to jump down."

Speaking of this, Ouyang Qian's eyes were red: "I have been married to you for so many years, I can bear anything, but my two daughters can't be wronged, I can treat your children outside as my own, but I can't bear it. She bullied my Yuan'er again and again!"

   Li Wenyan said nothing with a cold face.

Ouyang Qian added: "I just asked Yuan'er's assistant to tell the truth. If you stay silent, the person who is being criticized by the whole network is Yuan'er. You don't care for your own daughter, but I do. You want to protect another daughter, I can't say anything, and likewise, you can't stop me from protecting my children."

   After a long while, Li Wenyan said, "In my heart, my daughters are only Xia Xia and Yuan'er from beginning to end."

   (end of this chapter)

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