After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 499: It's called self-eating

   Chapter 499 This is called self-rewarding

   In the afternoon of the second day, Tang Li received several push news in succession.

  【The director of "The Phoenix Concubine" Zhao Zhenglei resigned from the filming. Following Li Yuaner's withdrawal from filming and Tianyi's withdrawal of capital, the crew has another sensational news. 】

  【Le Wen has resigned as Li Yuaner's agent, and met with Fenghua Media boss for lunch at noon. She is suspected of intending to join Fenghua Media. 】

   [The heads of several major social platforms were interviewed, and they were ordered to immediately self-examine and correct themselves and make comprehensive rectifications for their failure to fulfill their review obligations. 】

   As the evening approached, news about Tang Li was withdrawn from the Internet.

  In the morning, [Li Yuaner Studio V] posted another VCR of Li Yuaner herself.

   In the video of a few minutes, Li Yuaner apologized.

Compared with yesterday, Li Yuan'er looked worse, but her attitude became more sincere. She only admitted that she acquiesced to Shen Na's words after seeing the VCR recorded by Shen Na, because she was young and ignorant, and she was unhappy with Tang Li in the past. She didn't help Tang Li to clarify the first time, but unlike the netizens who knew that there was a problem with the rope in advance, the bungee jumping was indeed an accident. She urged Shen Na to "hurry up" because she didn't want to stay with Tang Li anymore.

Including Li Yuaner's assistant Shen Na, she also asked the studio to issue a handwritten book on her behalf, feeling guilty for her words and deeds that distorted the truth. She didn't want to cause such serious consequences, and thus dragged down Yuaner. She would resign as an assistant. And publicly apologized to Tang Li.

   Even if Li Yuaner admits her mistake in time, netizens still don't buy it, their disgust for her continues to increase, and they all ask Li Yuaner to quit the entertainment industry.

"Li Yuaner is finished this time." Wu Xuehan slid her finger on the screen of her phone: "Netizens refused to forgive her, and even started the group ridicule mode. The film and television works that were originally set for Li Yuaner will now have to be replaced, and there are reports that , the film version of "Original Sin" is already considering a remake of Ying Xuan'er."

  Yu Sui said next to him: "This is called eating evil by oneself."

   "Also, if A Li didn't record, it would be A Li who was forced to quit the entertainment industry now."

   "The most hateful is Jiang Bichi, this time she has gained hundreds of thousands of fans."

  Tang Li came out of the kitchen and happened to hear their discussion, and put the water glass on the coffee table: "Do you really plan to go back to school tonight?"

   Wu Xuehan and Yu Sui nodded in unison.

After 8 o'clock that night, a reporter who had been squatting outside the art academy for several days saw a girl wearing a peaked cap and a mask getting out of the taxi, accompanied by two other girls. The sharp-eyed reporter immediately shouted "Tang Li", and the others Reporters flocked away.

   was stopped outside the school gate by reporters, but Tang Li did not hide or respond.

   In the click of the camera shortcut key, a reporter asked Tang Li if he would forgive Li Yuaner.

   After all, Li Yuaner has realized her mistake.

  As a colleague, is this person staying in the front line and seeing each other in the future?

   In front of the camera, Tang Li's calm voice came from behind the mask: "I don't know if she realized the mistake. The only thing that is certain is that I don't want to see this person again in the future."


  The parties did not reconcile, and online public opinion became more and more intense.

  In the early hours of the morning, Li Yuaner's studio issued another statement, saying that Li Yuaner has been suffering physically and mentally these days, and she will temporarily stop all performing arts activities in China, and will reflect on herself in the future.

   This statement was booed collectively by netizens: "Just stop forever, not for a while!"

   (end of this chapter)

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