Chapter 506 Feeling like cheating

   Sitting on the sofa, Song Jingtian opened a pack of potato chips, crunched one piece by himself, fed one to the corgi, and gave a small piece to Tang Li.

   On the TV, the cartoon "Dream Hunting Travels" is playing.

  Tang Li watched for a while, then suddenly remembered another thing, he turned his head and saw Song Jingtian picking his feet, those black eyes were staring at the cartoon, a little bored, and he simply accosted him: "How about a bet?"

   The little guy looked over suspiciously.

   "I bet you can't go to the high school attached to Huangyan Military Academy."

   Hearing this, Song Jingtian squinted her.

   Tang Li added: "In a few years, you will go abroad to study."

According to previous news reports, after Song Boyan's death, the situation of the Song family was briefly mentioned. Tang Li vaguely remembered that there was a sentence "Song Boyan's younger brother was sent to Canada to study in his early years and did not return." She may have misremembered the country where Song Jingtian studied. The only certainty is that he was not in the country at the time.

   "Nonsense." The little guy was a little unhappy: "I want to go to the attached high school, my eldest brother knows it, he also said that the military school is good, let me work hard."

  Tang Li: "…"

  Song Jingtian lay on the armrest of the sofa and looked at her: "You haven't answered me yet, why are you in Tan Palace?"

   "Actually—" Meeting his curious eyes, Tang Li turned around when he said, "There is a hidden dog hole at the south gate."

   "So, you came in through a dog hole?"

  Tang Li did not deny it, drinking water.

"Then you have to be careful." The little guy lifted his left leg, folded it on his right leg, and glanced at the door: "There are 90 internal affairs personnel here, and there are also seventy or eighty staff members, not including Secret service personnel, don't tell Aunt Min that she came in through a dog's hole. Not everyone is willing to cover you up like me.

  Also, when you wait to climb down the dog hole and leave, it is best to block the entrance of the hole with something, otherwise it will be difficult for you to come in next time after the secret service finds out. "

Song Boyan came upstairs, pushed open the door of the living room, and saw Song Jingtian was talking to Tang Li, the little guy was watching and listening to all directions. : "Brother, Tang Li just said that you will send me abroad in the future, so maybe you won't want me anymore."

  “…” Tang Li.

  Song Boyan touched the little guy's head: "Want to go abroad to study?"

   "I don't want to." Song Jingtian hugged his eldest brother's waist: "I want to go to a military academy like my eldest brother before, and be a soldier who protects the family and the country."

  Tang Li smiled but didn't say a word, boy, that's not what he said on the lawn.

   Then, he noticed Song Boyan's gaze.

In addition to the gentleness when talking to Song Jingtian, the man's eyes fell on her, which made her a little more embarrassed. In this profoundness, Tang Li vaguely interpreted the meaning of affection. Such an interpretation made her cheeks unable to help. reddish.

   "Borrow the bathroom."

  Tang Li got up and opened the door on the other side of the living room.

   closed the door of the bathroom, she leaned against the door, saw her red face in the mirror, sat on the toilet for two or three minutes, then washed her hands and went out.

   As a result, before she took a few steps, she was suddenly dragged into the next room.

  The space is dark and narrow, like a storage room.

Tang Li's exclamation choked in her throat, because she guessed who it was, smelled the familiar scent of Song Boyan, waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, and looked for the man's mouth to kiss, kissing two wrong places, each other's lips stick together.

   (end of this chapter)

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