After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 509: Mr. Song's little actions under the table

   Chapter 509 Mr. Song's little actions under the table

   After Xiao Minglan broke the relationship between him and Song Boyan, and then sat at a table to eat, Tang Li couldn't help letting go.

   In the villa that day, my image was too frivolous.

   It is normal for Xiao Minglan to have opinions on her.

   For this meal, Tang Li fully implemented the fine tradition of "eating without talking", and didn't even look at Song Boyan. He picked up the rice bowl in his left hand and chopsticks in the other, and ate only the two dishes under his eyes.

  Tang Li's little daughter-in-law's cautiousness in eating was naturally seen by Xiao Minglan.

  ——It was as if the old man himself had bullied her.

   Apart from anything else, he is still a child after all.

   Even if Tang Li is like this, she is not Xiao Minglan's standard daughter-in-law, but she has won her son's favor, and she can't do anything else.

  Tang Li found that Song Boyan did not have the habit of drinking because he was not socializing outside.

  I have eaten with him a few times. He basically doesn't touch alcohol, and the only thing he can't miss is tea. If he talks about maintaining health, he is more addicted to smoking. According to what Song Jingtian said before, Song Boyan is a smoker.

  Alcohol is not allowed in the army, but no smoking is allowed.

  Sometimes, smoking is also a way to relieve emotions.

Tang Li suddenly thought about the issue of alcohol and tobacco, because, at the end of dinner, Song Boyan lit a cigarette and put it between his fingers. His knuckles were distinct, and even the movement of cigarettes was pleasing to the eye, especially in the dim lighting. Down.

  The first floor of Tan Palace is a non-smoking area, including the second floor, and smoking is not allowed in bedrooms and living rooms.

   As one can imagine, this may be the first cigarette Song Boyan smoked in the afternoon.

Xiao Minglan knew that her son was addicted to smoking. Since moving into Tan Palace, Song Boyan has been very restrained in smoking. He used to smoke about two boxes a day, but now he can't smoke five or six cigarettes a day, so he didn't stop his son now. Light a cigarette.

  Tang Li was sitting opposite and smelled the strong smell of smoke.

It was found that Song Boyan was still smoking a cigarette, and she was still holding chopsticks in her right hand. Under the dining table, she pressed her left foot against the heel of her right foot, letting her right foot break free from her shoe, and then stretched out her right foot, rubbing against the man if there was no ground. 's trousers.

  Song Boyan noticed something, and cast his deep eyes towards her.

  ——I only saw Tang Li burying his head and eating quietly.

   The rising smoke also made the dining table more eerily quiet. Song Boyan lowered his head and dipped the ash into the dish, but his left hand wearing the watch was no longer on the table.

When the    ankle was held, Tang Li felt the temperature on his face rise.

   She continued to cook, but her heart was like being swept away by feathers.

   "My stomach hurts." Song Jingtian suddenly exclaimed.

   said, a little face was a little pale, and his fleshy little hands covered his belly: "I want to go to the toilet, I can't hold it anymore."

  Tang Li has already retracted his feet.

  Song Jingtian jumped off the chair, turned around and farted.

   Tang Li, who was facing his ass: "..."

   Xiao Minglan saw this, put down his chopsticks and took Song Jingtian to the bathroom.

   There were only two people left in the restaurant.

   "Isn't it smoked?" Song Boyan spoke first.

   met his interested eyes, Tang Li's face was hot, he pretended to cover his mouth and nose, then got up and changed his position.

  Song Boyan saw her sitting over, pursed his lips and smiled: "You're so close, aren't you afraid of second-hand smoke?"

   "Anyway, no matter where you sit, you can smell it."

   said, Tang Li turned his head and looked at the cigarette between Song Boyan's fingers: "Did I tell you, I actually smoke too."

   Can't help it again...



   (end of this chapter)

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