After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 614: In his whole life, he has depended on women for his fortune.

   Chapter 614 In his life, all his fortunes depended on women

As if afraid that Tang Li would be unhappy, Fu Si flattered: "We have been very busy these past few months, and we have also conducted closed training. Otherwise, I would not have not contacted you. The last re-exam was good. If I fail the final exam, I can't explain it at home."

   Therefore, there is no such thing as love and hatred.

  Tang Li looked at the big boy in front of him and lightly pulled his lips. He just came to Wentanyuan because he didn't want to make up the exam and didn't want to be interrupted again.

   "Get in the car, I'll take you to your relative's house."

   If he had a tail behind him, he might have been wagging like a propeller.

   This time, Tang Li did not reject him.

   Sitting on the locomotive, Fu Si handed over the helmet: "It's a bit hot to wear this, but you're a public figure now, so it's better not to show your face when you go out."

   Half an hour later, the locomotive stopped outside the community where Li's house was located.

   Fu Si stretched his neck and looked in.

  Tang Li returned the helmet to him and thanked him, but Fu Si said, "Can I go in for a glass of water?"

   "..." Tang Li.

   Fu Si glanced at her: "No, it's okay, then I'll go first."

After   , he handed the duffel bag to Tang Li.

   "Then let's go in together."

  Tang Li suddenly said: "It's just that I live with my relatives, so I can't treat you well, so I can only ask you to drink a glass of water."

   Fu Si is Song Boyan's nephew. Sooner or later, the Fu family will know about her situation. Tang Li has already thought about it.

   got approval, and Fu Si got off the locomotive.

Tang Li took Fu Si into the community and walked to the courtyard of the Li family's villa. Fu Si looked at the word "Li's house" on the wall, and was slightly stunned. Even if he was a rich third generation who was eating and waiting to die, he knew the circle. There were a lot of things in there. When Tang Li rang the doorbell, he tugged at Tang Li's sleeve: "Your relatives are in good condition, this community, this area, this courtyard, when you bought it seven or eight years ago, it's not too much to say. More than ten million."

   Today, the asking price is 50 million, and no one will necessarily sell it.

   "My uncle's wife is rich." Tang Li said.

Fu Si looked puzzled, and approached Tang Li and asked her, "Is your uncle a phoenix man? It's just that he gathered the power of the whole family and studied furiously for more than ten years, and finally became a golden phoenix flying out of the mountain nest. The pinnacle of life."


  Tang Li nodded: "Anyway, in his entire life, he has depended on women for his fortune."

   After that, the door was opened by the servant.

   Fu Si held his helmet, and exclaimed while visiting: "Your uncle is not bad. If you eat soft rice and eat this rank, this yard can be comparable to my family's."

   Walking into the villa, Fu Si sat down at the entrance and took off his shoes.

Tang Li took a pair of men's slippers from the shoe cabinet and just put them next to Fu Si when a sharp scolding came: "Who asked you to bring back a strange man? This is Li's house, not your messy place. You are shameless, we have to go out to meet people!"

  Fu Si turned his head following the sound, only to see a plump, silver-haired old lady, leaning on a cane in one hand and supported by a nanny in the other, as if she was going to drive them all out.

   "Who are you?" Fu Si stood up.

   He has been a scumbag since he was a child, and he is really not particularly afraid of anyone.

   Mrs. Li was surprised, and then she was sullen, her crutches slammed on the ground: "You said who I am, you run into someone else's house and ask me who I am?!"

   I still owe a thousand words, everyone will come and see tomorrow morning~



   (end of this chapter)

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