Chapter 804 Find a way to suppress it

   In that kidnapping and fraud case, the biggest victim was neither Tang Li nor the art school, but Jiang Yining on the phone.

   She thought it was real to make a movie, and she slept with the homeless man.

   It is also because of this that she will have a complete breakup with Liang Dong.

If Li Shengxia hadn't planned all this, she would still be a newcomer in the entertainment industry. She has participated in several works, even if it is not the female lead, she is also an important supporting role, especially "Martial God", which will be broadcast on the stars early next year. She believes in herself You can gain a certain reputation by virtue of the characters in the play.

   Before the accident, she had just filmed an IP-based web drama.

   Before she could join the group, she was pushed into the air of public opinion.

  I was told by the police that the liars were after Tang Li, and that she had suffered on Tang Li’s behalf. It was not that she did not resent Tang Li.

   Now that Li Shengxia was the culprit, Jiang Yining held the phone harder.

   In the final analysis, it was Li Shengxia who ruined her bright future.

   Jiang Yining couldn't help sneering in her heart. Tang Li also warned her not to destroy the relationship between Li Wenyan and his wife. She had come to this point. Since it was all Li Shengxia's fault, what's wrong with her asking for the principal and interest now?

   Jiang Yining hung up the phone.

   Then, open ins on your phone.

   She logged into her account and privately messaged a marketing V.

   On the afternoon of the same day, Li Shengxia was still at the Municipal Bureau, but the revelations about her planning of a trafficking case appeared on major online platforms.

   Even without naming names, netizens spontaneously thought of Li Yuaner sisters.

   Not long after, another marketing big V received news from netizens.

   is a few screenshots of Wechat chats.

   The netizen claimed to have a friend who works in the court, and the other party confirmed that Li Shengxia's case was opened today.


  The defendant's lawyer produced a piece of video evidence, which caught the plaintiff by surprise and prevented the case from being pronounced in court.

"I was not in Court No. 1 at the time, but I also heard that whether it was the judge, the jury, or the people sitting in the gallery, I heard how Li Shengxia discussed with the defendant in the video about selling people to Las Vegas. , all silent, obviously I have never seen such a vicious woman!"

   When Li Wenyan heard the news, there was already a lot of uproar on the Internet.

   "Find a way to suppress the post!"

   Li Shengxia's incident is not the first time this has happened.

   If the commotion goes on like this, one can imagine the result of his election this time!

  Li Wenyan stood beside the desk, his face was red and his ears were red. He couldn't tell whether he was angry or anxious, and sternly instructed Jiang Yuan on the other end of the phone: "No matter what method you use, the Internet must be cleaned up for me before five o'clock in the evening!"

   Jiang Yuan should go down and deal with it immediately.

  Li Wenyan hung up the phone, feeling very upset.

   At this time, someone knocked on the study door.

  Li Wenyan turned his head and found that Yi Ning came in with a plate of fruit.

   Li Shengxia was taken away by the police, Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter and Mrs. Li went to the police station uneasy.

  The servants were all sent to the small building.

   At this moment, there are only the two of them in the villa.

   Jiang Yining put the fruit bowl on the desk, then looked at Li Wenyan, a little worried in the shyness: "Member, I heard the sound of smashing things just now, is there something wrong at home?"

  Li Wenyan looked at her wink like silk, remembered Ouyang Qian's old face, and hugged Yi Ning: "How many have you eavesdropped on upstairs?"

   "The parliamentarian wronged me." Jiang Yining bit his lips lightly: "People care about the parliamentarian and don't want the parliamentarian to be unhappy."

   (end of this chapter)

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