Chapter 817

   In this life, she no longer has hope for the so-called fatherly love.

  So, being comforted by Li Wenyan's words, Tang Li nodded, and then said, "Actually, eldest sister is crazy, so it's not necessarily a bad thing."

   Li Wenyan heard this, and looked up at her.

Tang Li continued: "Mental patients do not have criminal responsibility. If the eldest sister has become like this, Dad can ask the doctor to issue a relevant certificate. As long as it is proved that the eldest sister has schizophrenia and has been in a mentally unstable state for a long time, even if the other party's lawyer provides a phone number Recording, nothing more."

  What Tang Li said now, Li Wenyan himself did not expect it.

  Xia Xia is really crazy at the right time.

   In this way, the police are helpless.

   Even if Xia Xia becomes the mastermind of the abduction case, she is now a mentally ill person. In S country's criminal law, a suspect with mental illness can be exempted from legal responsibility.

"Although I don't know much about the senator's election model, I also know that this election is very important to Dad." Tang Li changed the subject: "One prosper and one loses, I know the truth. As Dad said earlier, Li Home is good, and it is also my foundation. Teacher Gao and the others will come to Li’s house soon, and I don’t want anything bad to happen at this juncture.”

  Li Wenyan saw that she was just making plans for herself in the end, not only was she not angry, but the doubts in her heart were eliminated, and her face looked a little better.

   "If I say this, Dad may think I'm cool. In the current situation, the evidence that the police has is enough to convict the eldest sister. I'm very afraid that the Wang family will give up the idea of ​​​​admitting to marriage because of this incident."

   "Did the Wang family contact you?"

  Tang Li nodded: "Last night, Teacher Gao called me."

   "What did they say?" Li Wenyan asked her.

Tang Li hesitated for a few seconds, then chose to tell the truth: "I told Mr. Gao earlier that I live at my uncle's house, and they know who you are. Yesterday, I saw the news on the Internet and learned that the eldest sister was involved in the abduction and trafficking case. Mr. Gao said, Outsiders are questioning the Li family's conduct."

   These words hit Li Wenyan's sore foot.

  Li Wenyan is vain, like a hypocrite, but he values ​​character the most, and what he can't stand the most is being the laughing stock of everyone.

  What Li Shengxia did happened to put him on the fire.

   For a while, Li Wenyan's face looked good.

   Then, he suddenly asked Tang Li: "If you were me, what would you do with your elder sister?"

   "I will let the eldest sister live in a nursing home temporarily."

Under Li Wenyan's burning gaze, Tang Li expressed his thoughts: "Before the police finalize the case, I will publicly apologize to let everyone know that the eldest sister has been suffering from mental illness. If you want to calm the public's anger, I can’t just do superficial work, but I have to aggrieve the eldest sister to go to the sanatorium for a while, and send the eldest sister to the sanatorium on the day, if conditions permit, you can invite some reporters to accompany you to report.”

   In this way, he will also gain a good reputation as a senator who does not protect his daughter.

   Li Wenyan quickly weighed the pros and cons.

   In fact, as long as you turn a corner, you can make good use of the trafficking case.

The public hates human traffickers deeply. As a senator, he apologized for his daughter, with a remarkable attitude. He sent her daughter to a nursing home for treatment, which also convinced the public that his daughter was indeed mentally ill and the negative impact of the abduction case. It will disappear naturally.

   When he succeeds in the election, he will bring people out.

   (end of this chapter)

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