Chapter 826

"You will kill Xia Xia like this!" Li Wenyan's sympathy exceeded Ouyang Qian's imagination, and her eyes were red: "Xia Xia is our daughter and the first child. She was so sensible since she was a child, but she did one wrong thing. , how can you force her like this?!"

   Li Wenyan was angry: "I forced her?"

   Thinking of the current situation, Li Wenyan gritted his teeth: "She has no intention of harming others, how could others force her!"

   "She was a good family, but she decided to find someone to abduct and sell Tang Li! I think you all forgot that Tang Li is also my daughter. Before you abducted and sold her, did you ask me about my thoughts on being a father?"

  Ouyang Qian heard Li Wenyan's "daughter" to Tang Li. Years of grievance and anger surged up, and she gave birth to children for this man, but what about him?

   Back then, when he coaxed himself to go through the divorce procedures, he turned around and married Tang Yin again!

   Even, with Tang Yin, they gave birth to the little wild species Tang Li!

   No woman would be generous enough to tolerate her husband and the children of the mistress!

   Now Li Wenyan calls that little wild species her daughter, but she wants to send her child to a sanatorium, because Ouyang Qian's hands and feet are cold.

"Li Wenyan, you have no conscience!" Ouyang Qian rushed forward, pulling Li Wenyan's shirt collar with both hands, almost hysterically: "How much have I paid for you for this family, how much have I wronged myself, you and Tang Yin are in southern Yunnan Have you ever thought about me when you were sassy and happy? I took Xia Xia alone, and I have to take care of your mother, and now I have to live under the same roof with your little **** born outside!"

   Hearing Tang Yin's name, Li Wenyan's forehead burst with blue veins, she pulled Ouyang Qian's hands down, and threw him directly on the sofa!

   "You taught your daughter this virtue, and I haven't settled the account with you yet, so you'll throw a splash with me first!"

  Ouyang Qian fell down, her originally neatly combed bun was messy, with a few strands of hair scattered on her cheeks.

Looking at her embarrassed and old-fashioned state, Li Wenyan made no secret of her disgust, pointed at Ouyang Qian, angered, and said pressingly, "If it weren't for the relationship between husband and wife for many years, I would have divorced you long ago! "

  Ouyang Qian looked at Li Wenyan, like falling into an ice cave.

  Decades of relationship, but Li Wenyan said such words, it was extremely cold!

   She treated him so heartily, but what about him?

   He wanted to be a member of parliament, he would pay for himself and use the whole Tianyi as his backing, but now he wants to kick himself away!

It was the critical time of the campaign, Li Wenyan didn't want to make any more negative news about the family discord. In addition, Song Boyan was interested in Yuan'er, and Ouyang Qian was Yuan'er's mother after all, so he restrained his temper and tried his best to be calm. Tone: "If Xia Xia doesn't go to the sanatorium, then everyone in the Li family will accompany her to be condemned! Before you protect this daughter, did you think about your little daughter?"

   Hearing this, Ouyang Qian was stunned.

   Li Wenyan said again: "There is a person who is a trafficker, and the family is still protective. If Yuan'er wants to be with Song Boyan in the future, she will only suffer more and more criticism!"

  If Li Shengxia was sent to a sanatorium, the public opinion would be a different story.

  When the time comes, everyone will say that the Li family will kill their relatives righteously.

"Think about it for yourself." Li Wenyan opened the door of the study, and before going out, he said coldly to Ouyang Qian: "Will the future of the entire Li family be ruined by your eldest daughter, or sacrifice her temporarily in exchange for it? The peace of the whole family, consider it for yourself!"

   (end of this chapter)

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